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Thursday, October 04, 2018

Ocasio-Cortez: We Can't Compromise With 'Insane People' on the Right 'Holding the Country Hostage'

Democratic congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said in a new interview her party couldn't compromise with the "insane people" on the right holding the country "hostage."

Asked by Vanity Fair how she intended to balance her desire for rapid, progressive change with the need in Washington to make deals, Ocasio-Cortez said Democrats too often compromise even before getting to the table.

"When you’re dealing with these insane people holding the country hostage on the right, you can’t go in with your end point. You have to go in with a strong position," she said. "If they’re trying to end Planned Parenthood, I don’t think we go in with, ‘No, let’s keep Planned Parenthood.' I think we go in with, ‘Let’s expand women’s rights to health care and have it guaranteed in every state.' I think we can compromise on our tactics and how we get there, but we can’t compromise where we’re going."

She said she was "a thousand percent" committed to helping Democrats win the House, calling it "existential for the country" and invoking the possibility of impeaching President Donald Trump.



  1. ‘Let’s expand women’s rights to health care and have it guaranteed in every state.'

    I agree, we guarantee free condoms(stops pregnancy and the spread of std) and we outlaw abortions after the 1st trimester except when the mothers life is at stake and also don't allow any federal funds to be used at any place or by any organization that performs any abortions. That is truly a women's right, the right to say NO!

  2. This snowflake wants to see crazy ? Wait until the Civil war starts.

  3. Now that there made me smile for the first time today. This stuff is entertainment, but seriously dangerous.Sad thing is I'm encountering a lot of these nut jobs. No worries, they will continue to fail though.

  4. This woman is delussional. Democrats compromising? Is that even possible. I am in my late 40s - do not remember them ever compromising. What I remember vividly is the republicans being steamrolled by the democrats. That is until now!!!! Thanks to Judge K and Trump with an assist from Graham.

  5. *Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty...

  6. Crazy is as crazy does.

  7. I always believe and have faith in people who claim commitment of greater than 100%. If Ocasio-Cortez is 1000% committed, I'm for her, unless, that is, someone comes along and claims to be 1010% committed. Then I'm for them!

    1. I almost missed the sarcasm! Funny


  8. I'm with her; she should be committed!

    It's unfair she's as bat-s..t crazy as she is at a young age but that's the only viable conclusion.

  9. Welp, you guys are the ones that still consider Obama a foreign born closet muslim and you seem to think coal and manufacturing jobs suddenly evaporated due to the past president. You dismiss facts and data on the regular to paint a fantasy world that is more fitting to your political ideology. I would say that does make you a bit insane.

  10. It is time for America to rise! Fools like her, the neo ACLU, Southern Poverty Law all must be put down. Enough is enough. Vote. Let them go back to organizing community parades, yard sales and gay orgies to keep them out of politics. They have destroyed enough real estate in America.

  11. You don't get it. We have been in civil war for the last 10 years, we just have not realized it. Its time for Americans to stand up against this ideology (leftist liberals). We have alowed things to get to far out of hand. Now is the time for people with common sense to stand up for right.

  12. The magic word "common sense" .where did it go?

  13. Another unglued face I'm getting tired of seeing


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