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Thursday, October 18, 2018

NPR: Agency Prepares Asylum-Fraud Cases Against 2,000 Chinese Migrants

Homeland security officials are investigating 3,500 Chinese migrants who used fake stories to win asylum in the United States and 10,000 of their chain-migration relatives who subsequently migrated into the United States.

An NPR report quotes an unidentified Chinese migrant — identified as “Lawrence” — who helped prosecutors in 2012 target the initial group of immigration lawyers and aides. But Lawrence is now refusing to help officials prepare deportation cases against thousands of the Chinese asylum recipients:

“Because targets are different,” he says. “Those Chinese immigrants — those clients … their attorney just tell lie to them, to do that.”

The way Lawrence tells it, he is fighting a larger battle now against government agencies that are mixing up what is legal with what is right. He wants no part in helping the government use the letter of the law to strip asylum from people who won it years ago — even if that means he has to remain in hiding.

According to Lawrence, DHS asked him in 2017 to help resolve more than 2,200 cases.


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