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Sunday, October 21, 2018

Nanticoke Road


  1. Glad they fixed that last year

  2. I am sure they are doing the best they can to fix this problem.
    Some acts of nature are beyond control no matter how well the infrastructure is.

  3. Jake Day could have that fixed in 10-12 years tops.

  4. Since this is a state owned road. Maybe they will fix it correctly this time!

  5. Maybe the weirdos will go out their and paint it with a rainbow then it will be fixed

  6. And you wonder why they keep raising your taxes wait till Jack the Thief Heath raises the tax cap.

  7. A lot of us who live down in Nanticoke felt this would happen again. It took them months to repair the road but they never changed anything about it. The dip in the road was way to low. I figured what was taking them so long is that the were leveling off the road by raising the dip in the center.

    Of course I am no engineer but repairing the road and leaving it in the same situation it was in before would certainly mean this would happen again.

    Sadly this is going to really hurt the store just down from it and now my work commute is now a bit longer.

  8. To 1:34 pm —best laugh I had today.
    Thank you from someone who works downtown and sees Jake’s fiasco every day.

  9. October 19, 2018 at 1:32 PM - BS. If it were fixed properly it would not continue to happen.

  10. The results of uncontrolled development ! The good ole boy developers not establishing the necessary water retention processes.

  11. There is another one on Mt Hermon Rd right after Gumby Rd that’s about to go but they will wait to it caves again

  12. Water is much more powerful than most people imagine.

  13. Man,that's going to take a while to repair,just the environmental approval could take years.

  14. At Con Diesel we could have built a replacement for this in 2 weeks tops.

  15. 4:31.... what an ignorant Bafoon. This wasn’t fix correctly because of the environmentalists. Due to the wetlands Mde would not let sha redesign and install something that works. They could only replace EXACTLY what was there. Apparently the enviro lobby is scared that “good ole boy developers” would use a catastrophe like this to harm a few turtles or something. Idiot.

  16. a REAL engineer could have come up with a plan to fix it right the first time.

  17. hatteras roads get wiped out all the time. manage to get them opened back up in no time! md not so much! army corp of engineers could lay a bridge down there in a day!

  18. Increasing flow of water requires better piping and bridges to withstand the pressure. Wonder where the water is coming from.

  19. @ October 19, 2018 at 2:41 PM. It's called job security. Fix it right and you do not get to come back and get paid to do it all over again.

  20. The idea to fix it back as before is
    without a doubt the "dumbest thing"
    I've ever heard. Public Works Dept.
    needs more people who Know what the
    heck they're doing . AND the pipes
    aren't Large enough to hold the Water
    Flow in most of the areas that are
    flooding. Perhaps all areas residential
    areas that flood homeowners should sue
    the County. Now , bet something would
    get done then!

    1. Do you mean State? Do some research before blowing your trumpet.

  21. Oh hell just drive around....what does it take 3 more minutes???? JEESH

  22. This started happening as soon as they finished putting in the 4 storm drains on Rockawalkin. It allowed all the run off from the fields to directly run into the pond instead of gathering in the marsh area then finding its way to the pond.


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