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Friday, October 19, 2018

More civility: Death threats, bullying against owner of restaurant rented by Marsha Blackburn's campaign

Bullying, on camera and in public, is the best way to humanize a politician.

It doesn’t matter how arrogant or out of touch they have been during their time in office. The moment a mob shows up at a restaurant to drive them out, most look past the politics and empathize with the person who is having their dinner ruined.

Normal people react this way, because normal people don’t like bullies. The far left, however, remains unclear on the concept. Consider what just happened to Rep. Marsha Blackburn, who is running for Senate in Tennessee. She recently booked a meeting place at a family-style diner in suburban Mt. Juliet, about 20 minutes east of Nashville. The owner, a man named Tom Courtney, didn’t think twice about renting the dining room — that is, until he and his staff started getting death threats.

“I was called a Nazi sympathizer of all things,” Courtney told The Wilson Post, a local newspaper. “It’s hurt my business, my staff, me, and my family," he said. "I’ve never seen grown people, or whoever is hidden behind the screens, act in such a manner. I have partners.”

Such political intimidation and violence is on the rise. On the far left, political disagreement has become license for personal harassment. Protesters have crashed dinners, set up picket lines outside of homes, and even "doxed" the families of politicians just in the past month. Two women went viral just recently for heckling Sen. Ted Cruz over his vote to confirm Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh as the Texas Republican hustled to catch a flight.



  1. This will continue until they too meet with resistance. Eye for eye....kick ass and take names. They will run and whine like children when spanked.

  2. Arrest these people NOW...make them accountable...this CANNOT be allowed to continue. period

  3. I thought that Dems were against bullying...

  4. That sounds like my campaign in Wicomico County. Bunch of damn losers.


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