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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Migrant Caravan Not Walking - They're Being Transported to US Border on the Back of Flat Bed Trucks

The migrant caravan to the US is not walking. That is all for show and just part of a Democrat production. The migrants are actually being carted on the back of flat bed trucks.

The migrants ‘walking’ through Mexico to reach the US appears to be more of a production than reality.

It’s clearly impossible for an individual or a group to cross the southern Mexican border and then walk all the way to the northern Mexican border in a matter of a couple of days. It is simply not possible.



  1. All paid for and sponsored by your very own DNC. They will soon be here taking jobs from the African American community. Yes the Democrats have used you and it's your own fault.

  2. We have to stop them from coming in.

  3. If they were walking from Guatemala, it'd take about 3 months. As you can see, the pace is far too quick for them to be on foot. So, who's footing the bill?

  4. This whole thing is obviously so political. Bleeding hearts are again (separating children from parents)capitalizing on heartbreaking trauma suffered by these "marchers" with blisters, sprained ankles, heat stroke, dehydration...but the truth is they are catching a ride. Sorry, I don't buy it.

  5. What I would like to know is exactly how does Trump propose to prevent them from entering our country. Once they have set foot on American soil apparently most of them are here for a long time. Maybe permanently. We need that damn wall.

  6. One truck was actually driven by Amy Shummer, I saw it on Facebook!

  7. FEMA camps to hold them, or Cross illegally get shot.


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