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Friday, October 12, 2018

Michelle Obama: George W. Bush is my ‘partner in crime’

Michelle Obama in an interview early Thursday described former President George W. Bush as her "partner in crime" during every official function, explaining the former president handing her a cough drop at Sen. John McCain's (R-Ariz.) funeral.

"I didn't realize at the time that anybody noticed what we were doing," the former first lady told NBC's "Today" show.

"President Bush and I are forever seat mates because of protocol; that's how we sit at all the official functions," Obama said. "So he is my partner in crime at every major thing where all the formers gather."

"I love him to death," she said of the former president. "He's a wonderful man. He's a funny man."

“I didn’t realize at the time that anybody noticed what we were doing… He is my partner in crime at every major thing where all the formers gather… I love him to death.” @MichelleObama talks about George W. Bush handing her a cough drop (an old one at that!) at McCain's funeral pic.twitter.com/hS9fV0DHjB— TODAY (@TODAYshow) October 11, 2018



  1. Cardin needs to go. I think maybe it would be interesting to see what all those so called politicians background is like. Lets get their background checked as far back as high school. What cha think about that Mr Cardin?

  2. Literally partners in crime

  3. Please go away both of you Swamp Creatures

  4. Cardin has suckled on the Public teat all his life
    He has no useful skills and would starve to death if he is forced to leave the swamp

  5. Wow and I thought when she said when she got into the whitehouse that that was the first time in her life that she was ever proud of her country
    Guess she didn't think much of him prior to that now did she

  6. Nr 1 - they were acting like 2year olds; nr2 - she had bad breath; Nr 3 it kept her mouth closed and Nr 4 it was disrespectful to McCain memorial.
    I was surprised at the lack of respect by former president Busch and Laura. I always thought they had class. Wow what a disappointment. Michelle never had an ounce of decency and it did show that day again. I never ever liked the lying dirt bag McCain but I expected more from former leaders at an official event. I remember when Obama was taking selfies at (some dignities funeral) and Michelle was very upset with Barrack oh boy. Guess it was because he was flirting. Michelle can make some ugly faces. Well America has payed dearly and still are due to tode clowns. Just ask any America how they were affected and you will be amazed how he cheated each and every American.


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