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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

McNally: Google Does Not ‘Worry About Legislation’ Because They ‘Bought’ Congress

Christie-Lee McNally, executive director of Free Our Internet, warned of large technology companies’ procurement of political influence via lobbying efforts in Washington, DC. She offered her remarks in a Thursday interview with Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily.

Free Our Internet is a non-profit organization describing itself as an opponent of the “tech-left” and its political censorship of “conservative speech online.”

McNally said:

They control over 90 percent of the internet, so they don’t need to capitulate to us, they don’t need to capitulate to the Senate [or] the president. They don’t need to capitulate … because they’ve bought them all. The amount they pay in lobbyists — if you look at FEC reports and how much they pay in lobbyists [and in] Washington, DC, they don’t have to worry about legislation.

“Clearly they lied last month when they went up there,” said McNally of Twitter and Facebook executives’ denial of political censorship across their digital platforms during testimony before congressional committees.



  1. Same can be said for Xfinity/Comcast. Pad the pockets of the politicians and stay a monopoly. Imagine if we had choices of cable providers. Competition would lower prices drastically.

  2. Let me see if I have this right.

    Google, who supported Net Neutrality, and buy and sell the government... but Net Neutrality still ended. Because who are we to interfere with private companies and the free market.

    But, we should interfere with private companies and the free market because we think they aren't being preferential to right wing ideas?

    I just don't understand anymore.

  3. Why would anyone doubt this. The ridiculous behavior of our politicians forces one to follow the money. They are one of the largest group of corrupt people in the country.

  4. 3:02

    Net neutrality is anything but neutral.

    Google is not a private company operating in a free market, google is a monopoly over several different markets.
    You cannot compete against a monopoly in a free market. The monopoly must be broken up so the free market can return.

    See how easy it is to understand?

  5. @ 7:09 PM

    ISP's do not compete in a free market. They are the monopoly over almost all markets. You cannot compete against a monopoly in a free market. The monopoly must be broken up so the free market can return.

    Sort of what Net neutrality did.

    See how easy it is to understand?

  6. @7:09

    Google isn't a monopoly as you say. In fact the reason Google is on top is because the free market chose so.

    People don't HAVE to use Google. They can use Ask Jeeves, or Bing, or Yahoo. The MARKET chose that Google is a better search engine. When people open ANY browser, they can choose to use ANY search engine they want. It is driven by what the consumer chooses... they are NOT restricted.

    Browsers... anyone can choose their browser... Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft edge, again the CONSUMER chooses. No monopoly there. People don't HAVE to use chrome.. but they do because it is superior.

    People don't have to use Youtube. There is Vimeo, Facebook video, Veoh, Crackle.... The point being is that the consumer chooses.

    In no way, is Google a monopoly, in any stretch of the definition. However, I am open to changing my mind, if presented compelling evidence... please proceed.

  7. 8:31

    You cannot use this blog without google. Google is a monopoly.


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