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Sunday, October 07, 2018

Lawsuit seeks to stop FEMA's "Presidential Alert" system to cellphones citing First Amendment violation

A new lawsuit filed in New York is seeking to stop the implementation of FEMA's new "Presidential Alert" messaging system, an alert used for national emergencies that can be deployed by President Trump. Plaintiffs in Manhattan are suing Mr. Trump and FEMA Administrator Brock Long, claiming the alert system is a "violation of Americans' First and Fourth Amendment rights to be free from Government-compelled listening, as well as warrantless, non-consensual trespass into and seizure of their cellular devices."

Plaintiffs compare the alert system to "hijacking private property for the purpose of planting a Government-controlled loudspeaker in the home and on the person of every American."



  1. So who should I sue over the Amber Alerts that automatically go to our phones? We should put all the liberals in California, then set it adrift (wishful thinking)

  2. Really?
    Then I guess we don't want to have emergency text messages sent to us when a tornado or hurricane is on the way.

  3. Really.
    Some people don't need anyone to hold their hand, leave the light on at night, babysit them, run their lives, spy on them in EVERY POSSIBLE manner (to ensure they are "safe) - it's for our own good, too!!).
    I'm of the mind that if you need advance warning of an approaching hurricane, then you might be too stupid to live.
    Tornadoes are a bit of a different animal, but STILL, giving the government control of your electronic devices will NOT turn out well.
    just keep cheering.

  4. Where were these “plaintiffs” when Obammy sold our rights to the Chinese????

  5. Well that worked even though I have my alerts turned off on my phone.

  6. Didn't Bocrap Omama do something similar during his administration ?
    I think he hijacked all the tv and radio stations at one time to prove he could do it. But, they didn't call it a presidential alert.

  7. It worked very well today. I heard phones going off all over the supermarket.

    The nice thing about it is.. it will be very handy for alerting the populace that martial law has been declared when the lefties go berserk after the red tsunami.

  8. Please melt away snowflakes

  9. Is Frosh behind this? It seems there's nothing he won't sue over.

  10. For once I agree. But it wasn't Trump that did this, it was Obama.

    I just want the ability to opt out.

  11. 1:13, you beat me to it.

  12. What a bunch of crap-stirring morons!

  13. Its the lovely p-hat wearing world we live in now.

  14. If they had named it something else but President....much less would have been said I bet. This has been in the works for a long time I've heard.

  15. coming from the party that brought us all the NSA spying. on Americans to other countries. Including the Royal family. Edward snowden ring a bell? hmmm let me see...do i want a corrupt Govt spying on me or do i want an emergency alert? I dont have a problem with getting an emergency alert. Now on the other hand...Spying on law biding US American citizens? ummm NO!You think im a problem? get a warrant!

    1. It is the ground work for spying read about it.

  16. When devastating crap is coming my way, I want to know about it. If this turns into a commercial for government goings-on, I don't want it.

  17. I would rather have these alerts than having FACEBOOK, TWITTER, GOOGLE and others selling my info and falling me by GPS to find out where I go. Where is these hypocrites in the 1st Amendments on these issues?

  18. well, you already have that in your tv. AND it's obama who should be sued...if anybody. It's his baby. he wanted a kill switch for all electronics.


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