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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Keith Ellison's lead vanishing amid domestic abuse allegations

Embattled Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison’s lead in the Minnesota Attorney General election appears to be vanishing amid allegations of domestic violence against his ex-girlfriend.

The congressman’s bid to become the top law enforcement official in the blue state was supposed to be an easy task for a popular Democrat who holds one of the top positions within the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

But Ellison’s lead has taken a dramatic cut since Karen Monahan came forward with her story in August detailing the physical and emotional abuse she suffered allegedly at the hands of Ellison.

In one particular incident, Ellison allegedly dragged her from a bed and shouted “F--- you, b---“ and “I hate you.” She also released a 2017 medical document in which she identified the congressman as the cause of her “emotional and physical abuse.”

Recent polls indicate that Ellison in a dead heat race with Doug Wardlow, the Republican opponent, according to the New York Times. The poll also found that 40 percent surveyed voters said the domestic abuse allegations “are a factor” in whether to vote for the Democrat. Another poll shows the congressman leading by five points.

Ellison has denied all the allegations and allowed the party to review Monahan’s allegations. The state Democratic Party hired Democratic Party-affiliated lawyer Susan Ellingstad whose draft report cleared him of wrongdoing.



  1. So, are the pussyhatters as hypocritical as we think? Lol

    Yes. They are.

  2. What?!

    They don't believe her??

    Their contortions are hilarious.
    Trump, PLEASE keep kicking their ace. We are not tired of winning yet!

  3. Continue on Trump
    MAGA !

  4. Where have all the snowlakes gone.


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