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Monday, October 15, 2018

Katie Hopkins Has A Message For America, applies to whole world: Watch this!! The lady is right on.


  1. The Lady is fantastic she speaks the truth, some of the language might be a little tuff but she's a realist. I never knew so much about the problems in Sweden but we can now share with them in the way our world has evolved.

  2. This was a year ago and the message is even more urgent now. Brilliant woman.

  3. WOW! That woman has a powerful message,if only the stupid liberals could understand it but I don't think they can.

  4. lol
    civil war is coming 2020

  5. Outstanding advice!

  6. Agree 12:35, but there is a offspring following his steps as we speak.

  7. Mrs. Hopkins is spot on and I agree with her 100%. Why can’t we have more smart and intelligent women like this

  8. Trump is absolutely correct.

    Make YOUR country great. Don't bring your illiterate and violent people here.
    We ONLY let people in LEGALLY and those who can improve OUR country --- teachers, architects, scientists, writers, engineers, etc.
    Because YOUR country is a cesspool does NOT make US responsible for your safety and well-being.
    You don't come here and establish a smaller version of Ethiopia or Somalia.
    You don't come here and force your BS on ANYONE.
    You don't come here and do ANYTHING except become an AMERICAN.
    Can't do that?
    Walk your ace back to El Salvador.
    Or take a few rounds to the center mass.
    THAT'S what is coming whether you think it is or not.
    It's what the British people would do if they hadn't ALLOWED themselves to be disarmed and neutered.

    Buy more guns and don't register anything. Don't ask some cop or politician if it's okay with THEM if you use your rights. I never asked them if it was okay if I went to church or said what's on my mind. (not that they don't like that idea either)
    Don't give your fingerprints, don't submit to a Gestapo "interview", don't pay anyone a FEE (!!) to use your rights, and keep your guns loaded and close (in case someone wants to come in uninvited).
    No politician EVER asked me if was okay to populate a building with more armed men than some countries have on staff (so no one can hurt THEM).
    They just tell "we, the people" guns are bad for US (what they REALLY mean is guns are bad for THEM --- they are very likely to be on the wrong end of one).
    Get off your knees (its a tough firing position).
    Pip pip and all that!


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