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Sunday, October 07, 2018

JUST IN: Brett Kavanaugh Confirmed

By a vote of 50-48 Brett Kavanugh will be our new Supreme Court Judge


  1. As a sexual abuse survivor, all I have to say is that, her claim wasn't proven and you can't ruin another person's life without 100%, actual proof. I'm glad he was vited in!

    1. Someone with common sense. Sorry to hear you were abused. Ford just couldn't prove her accurations.

  2. To all the lunatics...SUCK IT!!

  3. Breakout the Kavanah Beer ...

  4. Get ready libtards, this vicious and disgusting attack on a good man is going motivate the right in November. Remember that look at surprise two years ago? Stand by for a flashback.

  5. Hope he can get his life and reputation back as much as possible. What was done to him and his family is truly disgusting.

  6. @4:30

    I'm sorry for what happened to you. I thank you for being the voice of reason.

    God Bless You

  7. To all Republicans,make sure you and all the Republicans you know get out and vote because if we lose the house or senate the lies and delays we have witnessed in the last few weeks is a preview of things to come and will effectively cripple the Trump Presidency.

  8. Woo hoo! Liberal heads are exploding!

  9. Some witty microbrewery owner should have a limited run of a brew named after him. Considering all the beer that I drank in college, they should have one named after me, too.

  10. Look up Kavanah Scotch it's online.

  11. Now enforce the penalty of lying under oath on Dr. Ford and her conspirators.

  12. 4:30 I am sorry for your suffering, however if you look at the movies of the late 70's and early to mid 80's the very behavior he was accused of doing by Mrs. Ford was celebrated as normal and appropriate for teenage and young college males. I am not saying it it appropriate behavior but those movies got their inspiration from somewhere and that is generally the writers, actors, directors, and producers of those movies.

  13. The lives we lead are over with this yes man as a justice more of our rights taken away from us

  14. It was that field goal that did it. Thank the kicking team and the defensive line.

  15. Why are we missing two votes? Yesterday the vote was 51-49.

    1. No, jackass. The recorded vote was 50 to 48.

  16. I thin EVO should come out with a Kavanaugh beer.

  17. Awesome Sir

    the Country prayed for this


  18. Prayers were heard and answered!

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why are we missing two votes? Yesterday the vote was 51-49.

    October 6, 2018 at 6:46 PM

    The one republican Senator rightfully went to his daughter's wedding so 50-49, Murkowski republican from Alaska voted present instead of no, so 50-48. Note Murkowski voted present instead of no because of the other Senator having to go to the wedding. Keep up with the program, things happen fast.

  20. I watched Senator Collins entire 40 min speech and she really covered every possible objection to Kavanaugh and why she was voting for him. Smart woman.

  21. What an ordeal! And to think, it was all manufactured and badly orchestrated by the Dems. No disrespect intended to Ford, but her case for an alleged traumatic event was so weak that no law enforcement officer or court would touch it.

  22. The Democrats are going to have to atone for this.

  23. After what the progressives did to him, I pity them when Kavanaugh listens to their unconstitutional cases before him in the coming decades. They were idiots to intentionally falsely accuse him, for nothing but political gain. Let them see how well that works out now that he is a Justice.

  24. I am so glad that he didn't withdraw. It was the best the Dems could have hoped for. I still can't believe they put him on trial at a confirmation hearing, with totally unsubstantiated charges of sexual misconduct 40 years ago, and got away with it. Diane Fienstein should be charged with withholding evidence and prosecuted. The Democrats, not just Hillary, have become a crime syndicate.

  25. Good man...congrats sir.

  26. I'm looking at my 1964 - 1967 H S yearbook entries and drinking a beer (I LIKE BEER) right now. I sure hope the FBI doesn't come knocking at my door.
    PS $uck one (beer) dumbocrats


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