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Monday, October 01, 2018

Just Do It


  1. Here are some of the components to this being total B.S.:

    Announcement: Ms Ford went to her representative instead of the police
    Timing: DiFi held the info from the committee until after the scheduled hearings had completed.
    Proper disclosure: The accusation should have been handled in secret to protect the accused and the accuser from public persecution
    Leaking: The existence of the accusation was leaked to the press
    Fear of Flying: Debunked by her own testimony
    Her lawyer(s): paid for by the DNC (or their operatives) - take note of the envelope handed to her attorneys caught on tape
    Payoffs: Multiple GoFundMe instances with anonymous donors - adding up to almost a million dollars
    Corroboration: All of her named witnesses declined to back up her story
    Prosecutability: The professional Sex-Crimes prosecutor indicated to the committee that this could not make it to prosecution in court
    Additional accusations: Only AFTER it became clear that Ms Ford wasn't going to get the job done - additional accusers mysteriously appeared
    Harris & Booker: Their own integrity issues should have had them recuse themselves from the questioning

    Did I miss anything here?

  2. this is priceless...that is so funny I can't stop laughing...its based on the truth!

  3. This is why real victims are not believed. And why they dont come forward.

  4. adams apple? I'm trying, but still can't see it. That would be the cherry on this ice cream HEADACHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Believe in this snowflake you have selective memory. The date, the house, the street, who was there besides Cavanaugh, how you got there, how you got home. Yes this about sums it up.

  6. Probably what fugly said at each party...just do it!


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