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Friday, October 05, 2018

Jobless Claims Plunge by More than expected to Near 49 Year Low

The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits fell by more than expected last week

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 8,000 to a seasonally adjusted 207,000 for the week ended Sept. 29, the Labor Department said Thursday.

Hurricane Florence, which hit North Carolina and South Carolina last month, affected claims, according to the Labor Department. The largest increases in initial claims for the week ending September 22 was in North Carolina. Claims in South Caroline rose by 2,830, the third largest rise behind Kentucky.



  1. If only the welfare claims would fall to a 49-year low! My neighbors (which consist of a mother and her 2 daughters) don't seem to want to contribute to society. The mother works(I'm unsure of how many hours a week) at Walmart. HOWEVER, the daughters (which I would estimate between 22 and 26 yyears old) sit on their rumps while momma works. They frequest soup kitchens and food pantries, as well as accept church hand-outs! I'm mortified that one could allow their parents to work while they sit and (OBVIOUSLY) eat up the rewards of their laziness! How dare the millennial generation sponge of their mother and the working class they way they do? Get a J...O...B, and support your own lard a**!!!!

  2. 2:27 PM Typical uneducated rant. Whats the participation rate? We still at a record low? How could unemployment be so low and the participation rate also be at the bottom? Hmm. Guess they are not counting those unemployed that no longer qualify for benefits. When was the last time you tried to find a job? We have several recent HS graduates in our neighborhood that are unable to procure employment. And we also a some middle aged unemployed who also can not find work. We also have several foreclosures on the block.

    Were you aware that the foreclosure rate here in slumsville is still around 9%?

    The only time you agree with the MSM fake news is when it fits your distorted agenda. Wake up sheeple. The employment scene here is a joke. Just look at the recent article where the city wants a graduate executive assistant for $15 an hour.

    Try living on that in this community. Graduated and living on their own. Here is slumsville for only 30K. Good luck with that.

    I am happy for you, not living the struggles your neighbors are. You should work on being a bit kinder.

  3. 2:27 PM Every single county on the Lower Eastern Shore has a poverty rate above the statewide average. It didn't get that way because there was an abundance of jobs.


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