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Tuesday, October 09, 2018

"It Was All Made Up, It Was Fabricated": Trump Says Kavanaugh Victim Of Democrat "Hoax"

President Trump said that Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was the victim of a Democrat Hoax, and that allegations of sexual assault levied by multiple women were "all made up" and "fabricated."

In comments made to reporters on the White House driveway, Trump addressed rumors that the Democrats will investigate and attempt to impeach Kavanaugh if they regain control over the House or Senate during midterms.

"So, I’ve been hearing that now they’re thinking about impeaching a brilliant jurist — a man that did nothing wrong, a man that was caught up in a hoax that was set up by the Democrats using the Democrats’ lawyers — and now they want to impeach him," said Trump.

The President then suggested that the attacks on Kavanaugh will bring conservatives to the polls for midterms:

"I think it’s an insult to the American public," said Trump. "The things they said about him — I don’t even think he ever heard of the words. It was all made-up. It was fabricated. And it’s a disgrace. And I think it’s going to really show you something come November sixth."



  1. Momentum is a difficult thing to achieve without facts.

  2. I pity anyone who tries to run for public office.

    If they can't find anything on you, they will bare false witness and make up something against you to try an destroy you if they disagree with your political views.

    This is very scary and will discourage many good men and women from choosing to run for public office. Definitely a dangerous time that we are living in.

    You are now guilty until proving innocent!


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