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Monday, October 01, 2018


I watched the Brett Kavanaugh hearings last week, with utter shock.  Here was a man who was – in my opinion destroyed by a culture of people hell bent to recoup their power.  Then it hit me as why I was so upset.  I realized that I achieved an #IAMBRETTKAVANAUGH moment.  Because what is happening to Judge Kavanaugh, could have happened to ANYONE in my class.  Falsely accused memories of 40 years later, discussions about words in a yearbook… even being with girls.   I am going to run this out there, and any one of my Catholic school friends can debate me on this... this could have happened to any of us and it is unfair.    

40 Years ago, this year I graduated from my All Boys Catholic High School.  My group got together 2 weeks ago we came to celebrate this event.  To the single one of us, we described events, that vividly came back to us when discussed.  Many of the things we did, if looked at from today’s perspective obviously made us cringe, and also laugh.  To say the least we were crazy kids - “boys” back then, and honestly when we look back any one of us could be Brett Kavanaugh today.  

The only difference between Judge Kavanaugh’s school and mine, is that we were not rich kids.   Most of us were lower middle-class kids.  Our parents some of them worked 2-3 jobs to give us a quality education. Some of us lived pretty close to or in some of the worse neighborhoods in the city.  We were not all the same color or race, or even ethnicity.  In the final result.   We learned about each other, and we had one thing that both banded us together– we were all young men.  We all moved on to be pretty successful young men.  This could have happened to any one of us. 

Having lived through a Catholic all Boys School, I can possibly tell you many salacious stories of young men who were in their teens, full of testosterone. I know many back then who were bragging about sexual escapades that never happened, and doing what young men do all the time, when they are alone together – Brag about their “manhood”. Maybe women today will call that sick. Many revisionists who look back at their teen years and don’t see awkwardness and self-discovery, and just plain dumbness are really deluding themselves.  But one thing rings true.  We made mistakes at a time when we were supposed to make mistakes.  After this moment – sadly that is now lost too.

Any man who has gone three decades to create an exemplary life for his family, who has been a good man, whose friend’s male and female said they looked up to and even in some cases revered.  A man who raised a daughter that asked him and his wife to pray for their enemy.  I believe him.  Just as much as I believe Ms Ford had a bad experience – I just do not believe that it was this man that perpetrated it. 
What I can say quite clearly is that 40 years later if we did anything in our school, EVERYONE knew about it.   Many things happen when we are alone.  We are not talking about those moments. But Judge Kavanaugh was not alone with Ms. Ford.   Secrecy between 2 people can be easily kept and hidden many years later.  It is the secrecy of 2,3, and even 4 people that is incredulous to believe.  Because someone blurts something out, or a rumor is started.  None of that happened.  That is why I believe Judge Kavanaugh, and NOT Dr. Ford. 

What has happened to this man from a political perspective has me upset.  My wife keeps asking me why AM I so obsessed about it.   I will tell you why….  Because this is not political – an example of what can happen to you when the mob rules society as it now has started to do.  it is a public crucifixion of a good man, and if we watch it from the sidelines, and do nothing – we are all participating in it, and there is not enough water on the entire earth to wash or hands of it or even wash this away.

In my high school days, I heard of secret liaisons that were said to have occurred amongst my classmates.  I know we did some nutty and outrageous things.  I also know that while we may have covered up a secrecy or two and some of the things that might have went on during those years.  Not a single one of would have kept secret any abuse of another.  None of us would have allowed ANYONE to get away with ANY kind of sexual assault on ANY woman.  If a party occurred, we would have heard about it. If a party occurred and some was assaulted, we would have heard about it and done something about it.  It would have been discussed in detail the next day, among all of us.  If it happened in the summer, the phone lines would have gone off the hook, with teenage gossip.  What people who never went to a small private school is that most things are not private. 

There were many in our class, who if they heard of an allegation of sexual misconduct would have confronted that individual on the spot.  We would have not brushed it under the rug.  We would not have let a single moment go by where that young man would not have been confronted.  I know one or two people in my class specifically who would not have stood for it, including myself.    We would have said something about it to one of the school authorities if we could not deal with it ourselves.  If we were in a room, regardless if it was our best friend or classmate, and saw something going down in which a woman was being held against her will –EVEN IF DRUNK – we would not have allowed it.  We certainly would not have banded together to hide it many years later.

We were not a secret society.  We were boys growing up and trying to become MEN.  Even if our teachers had called us men – we were not… YET.  But one thing I realized when my brother reconvened 40 years later – we had integrity, because our Catholic School drove that into our inner being.  I do not believe Judge Kavanaugh’s school would be any different.  Jesuit Priest – as Christian Brothers school I attended held integrity as a top pillar of our belief.  Integrity – which is surely lacking in today’s world, and amidst the Democrat Party – should be lauded. Instead people with Integrity like Judge Kavanaugh are mocked.  Mocked by those who do not have a moral leg to stand on, who watched as rapists and sexual abusers in their party walk away unscathed.  

Now 35 years later the once clean Wikipedia page of Judge Brett Kavanaugh has an entire section devoted to sexual misconduct.  One that he vehemently denies, and one in which there is not any corroborated evidence. This page is there for all the world to see.. His mother, His wife, and his daughters… His someday grandchildren will be able to see what the world thought of him.  IT can never be erased.  It has been put into the light, and no one can extinguish this. 

A life well lived for 52 years, that has not been sullied now stands beside an accusation he cannot and has no way to disprove, because his accuser cannot provide the date, time or place this occurred.  He has a contemporaneous diary, but without a date- he cannot tell you where he was.  Now that the diary has been exposed, and part of the public record, they can point to an open time and say THERE…

If someone told me 2 weeks ago that you can ruin a man’s life with an uncorroborated accusation, without a place, time, or witnesses -in other words no evidence – I would have said – Not in this country I was wrong.  But then again the left has been perpetrating these lies for years, as Senator Harry Reid sad when he lied on the Senate Floor that Mitt Romney did not pay his taxes – He unapologetically said – “It worked didn’t it?”  - Yes it did, and when no one said anything – it set that stage for this circus – Six years later.  If we do not stand behind Judge Kavanaugh – what will be the next right to fall, without saying a sound. 

To the righteous indignation of the left,  I use a tenant from my lord and Savior Jesus Christ and ask:  “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”.  To Senators Booker, Blumenthal, Harris, Durbin, Leahy, Feinstein, Hirono, Klobuchar, and Coons.  Each of you are a disgrace.  For letting this Charade continue and not standing up to stop it. 

So I urge each of you Senators to let us take your entire life put it on display dig into every cervices of your life.   Let us dig int o every day of your life, and let’s pick a day you are not proud of, and hold that for display.  Let’s Invite people who liked and did not like you to contribute to the discourse about your entire life.  Please put it on display.   Let us invite unfounded and uncorroborated people submit accusations, and have every one of then be hold up to public scrutiny – for the entire world. Have the entirety of the “free press “ (what a joke term), call you a liar, discuss your motivations, and inner most thoughts – as if they lived in your mind.  Have your family, your parents, your entire life be ridiculed by people who hate you because of who you are. Because you have integrity. 

To Senator Jeff Flake – Have you no integrity?   You spoke with the man.  You were 5 feet from him, you shook his hand.  Do you really need an investigation to tell you the truth?  You folded like a cheap deck of cards providing another week of accusations and innuendo.   If it hasn’t been revealed in the other 6 FBI Background checks.  Why do you feel another is necessary?  What you have done is created a way so that no person can ever be selected.  It is no better than what was done to Robert Bork.  What cause have you to do this?

To my democrat Senators, Van Hollen, and Cardin – and the rest of the democrat party, Like Schumer and Gillibrand. Letting this happen to a man such as Kavanaugh is a testament to the Democrat party. Even if you did not participate directly.  You are complicit to this farce.  Power rules, and what you are all doing is no different than publicly crucifying him.   In the end – when you have destroyed a good man.  Will you be having a glass of wine to celebrate your power and ascension to a new societal low?  We all know what you have done, and so does God.  If anything you all will need to face the public at some point .  Especially when you have turned a blind eye and supported actual sexual misconduct in your own midst and party.   Just stop the Righteous indignation.  You don’t stand for anyone.  You are a joke.

Everyone else, please stop washing your hands as if you had nothing to do with it… and saying it does not affect me! Stop putting your individual emotions in the middle here and blame a man who may just possibly be innocent.  He deserves that presumption.  

THIS moment is affecting everyone, and our children as well as the future of our country.  One day you will. regret turning your back on a good man, when there are too few good men in this world.  What we have done to this man is beyond what a reasonable person could even hope to imagine.  Kafka could not have created a better work of fiction than The Judge Kavanaugh Confirmation story.  Only it is not a work of fiction.  It is real.  I guess the amount of reality TV has numbed our country to the affect this can have on a life... and to quote a friend of mine who said to me yesterday – “who cares – It does not affect me?”  Until someday it happens to your brother, son, child or anyone close to you or someone you held as a pillar of society.  Once it happens here – it will never stop.  It is will be a license to do it again and again and again. Just as what they did to Robert Bork did not deter them. 

Remember people who supported him are now doubting his word.  Even the Jesuits – they have turned their back on him. His own church has found it difficult to support a man who is on trial for his LIFE.  They have recanted their endorsement – it is a sad spectacle – One that cannot go without resolve.   If no one stands with him, he will be alone, and THAT is not what good people do.  They stand and support when good me are pushed aside.. This man lived an exemplary life.   You should be able to  believe a man and his word.  Today – that is no longer the case.   I believe in Judge Kavanaugh just as others believe in MS Ford.  I will believe until evidence to the contrary can be produced. 

I just created a movement – do you care to join me?  I am calling it  #IAMBRETTKAVANAUGH.  Join me on election day, and make sure you scream after your vote, #IAMBRETTKAVANAUGH, so that everyone will know what they unleashed.


  1. I'll be right there on election day. I'll also be writing to Coons in the next day or so to tell him how shameful I think he and the other Democrats are behaving. I think they are doing this willfully, knowingly, and uncaringly. How do they look at themselves in the mirror in the morning. Now I am seeing articles from people talking about "Brett drank an awful lot during college." Who didn't? But now that the FBI is investigating I notice the "sexual assault" victims have quit crawling out of the woodwork. I just hope the ones who have already put these stories out there are prosecuted when it found to be not true.

  2. Thank you for taking the time to write this. I, too, stand with the man and his family. Feinstein, Avenetti & company have buried half of this Country so low I hope the few of them never get out and the rest just Walk Away from them; they are a disgrace to the Human Race.

  3. There is much more evidence against Bill Clinton than there is against Brett Kavanaugh. So where was and is the Democrats' outrage over his raping of Brodderick? No intoxication. No party. Clearly a predatory rape while governor of Arkansas. How do the liberals feel about the Clintons, who have done far worse things than Kavanaugh has ever thought of doing? They embrace the Clintons because they are one of them. And notice how silent the Clintons have become during discussions of sexual assaults.

  4. I did receive an email from Chris Van Hollen supporting the unsubstianted charges brought by Feinstein. I sent him a stern letter back, but I'm sure he won't care to read it. He's only interested in Dem Party support and Dem votes, not Justice.

  5. Democrats have no shame and no compassion, no respect for others point of view, it can only end badly. Violence !

  6. Everyone write their Senators and everyone get out and vote in this election. Make this election have the highest participation rate ever. Vote for us not them. The election of Trump has given us our best chance every of taking back this country to the tenets on which it was founded, let us not blow it. Continue the constitutional revolution. #IAMBRETTKAVANAUGH.

    By the way put an extra "T" in your headline.

  7. Well written statement.

  8. I am a woman and I went to Catholic school also, similar to this person (middle class) but my school was both boys & girls. If something happened Everyone would have known (boys & girls alike). Surely this person's best friend at the time would have known. I think she is nuts. I am not denying stuff like this happens but this is clearly politically motivated. I wonder if George Soros donated to her "go Fund Me" page?

  9. 10:20 AM - From what I have been reading, not only Soro's but Hillary Clinton as well with her MoveOn Organization.

  10. Too long to read !! Sorry ! Beer getting cold !!


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