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Monday, October 22, 2018

Here’s why Hillary Clinton losing her security clearance matters for the rest of us

Hillary Clinton no longer has a security clearance. A letter released from the Department of State to Senator Chuck Grassley, a Republican from Iowa, says she lost her clearance on August 30 at her request. The State Department also withdrew security clearances from five people Clinton had previously requested clearances for, as she had designated them “researchers.” One was Cheryl Mills, who was once the deputy White House counsel for President Bill Clinton who defended him during his 1999 impeachment trial. The names of the others were redacted.

The mainstream media is treating the loss of these clearances as a move by Clinton to avoid a political snub by the Trump administration.

Treating this security issue in such a purely political manner misses a growing problem that the media is purposely trying to ignore, as an honest analysis of it doesn’t help their attacks on the current administration.

Hillary Clinton should have lost her clearance back when the government found out she had classified information on her private servers. Actually, they should have done this even before that; she should have lost her security clearance when she left her public position, as secretary of state, for her private quest to get the nation’s top job.

What other employer allows former employees to access their networks? Companies commonly terminate employees email accounts and access before they even tell them they’ve been let go.

But this isn’t some private company. This is our federal government, an unfathomably large bureaucracy that has a lot of our personal information, top-secret data and so much more in its hands.




  1. There is no reason for someone with a clearance to continue having it and access to additional secured information once they're out of the job.
    We all know that Hillary continued to use and share classified information after she left SecState. If this is a reflection of the system, then the system is broken.

  2. Watch out joe you might end up shooting yourself twice in the head

  3. She lost her MIND. She shot herself in the yeasty place when she came out in that white pants suite like an aged Madonna pandering and patronizing as an unhappy frigid powerful wife and women and got beat by a spoiled child with bad hair. That's a tough loss. If she were really smart she'd go away.


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