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Thursday, October 11, 2018

Gay Marriage Cake: UK Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Christian Bakers

The UK’s Supreme Court ruled in favour of Northern Irish Christian bakers who declined to bake and decorate a cake with a pro-gay marriage message, with owners heralding the decision as a victory for free speech.

Britain’s highest court ruled Wednesday morning that it was not discriminatory for Ashers Bakery, run by Daniel and Amy McArthur, to refuse to produce the cake with the slogan “Support Gay Marriage” because it was the message of the case that they objected to, not the sexual orientation of the customer, the BBC reports.

President of the Supreme Court Lady Hale said of the decision arrived at by the five justices that the McArthurs “would have refused to make such a cake for any customer, irrespective of their sexual orientation”.

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  1. Why don't the gays go to gay bakeries? A large proportion of cake bakers are gay.

  2. How's that for equality, wannabe bakery busters? It isn't always about your gender, sometimes it's about your obnoxious and offensive character.


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