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Friday, October 05, 2018

Flake, Collins Say FBI Report "Thorough", Fails To Corroborate Claims By Kavanaugh Accuser

The confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court now appears to be a foregone conclusion, after two key GOP swing votes backed an FBI report they called for before committing to voting 'yes' for the nominee.

Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona backed fellow GOP Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, calling the FBI's reopened background investigation of sexual harassment claims against Kavanaugh thorough, and noting that it failed to back salacious claims made by accuser Christine Blasey Ford.

"I think Susan Collins was quoted saying it was very thorough but no new corroborative information came out of it. That’s accurate," Flake told reporters after viewing the FBI report in the Capitol Visitor Center's secure compartmentalized information facility (SCIF) on Thursday.

"I wanted this pause, we’ve had this pause. We’ve had the professionals, the FBI, determine — given the scope that we gave them, current credible allegations — to go and do their review which they’ve done," said Flake, adding "Thus far we’ve seen no new credible corroboration, no new corroboration at all."

Also undecided was GOP Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, who pushed for the FBI report delay just one day after Dianne Feinstein cornered her in a hallway for an apparent "talking to."



  1. Now she's saying she will vote no! What a sell out!

  2. I wish Trump could issue an executive order limiting congress members to 8 years. That would solve half our countries issues in that one move alone.

  3. Make that with no retirement or benefits.

  4. Do you think she was paid off or blackmailed?? With Clinton politics you can never be sure.


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