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Saturday, October 27, 2018

Fake bombs are not bombs. Fake news is fake news.

The fake news of the day has been disingenuously pretending that any of those persons to whom the fake bombs were addressed was in any danger. None of them was. Who sends bombs to people who do not open their own mail?

As Roger L. Simon wrote, it doesn't matter who built those little fake not-pipe bombs; the intent is clear. The message? See, it isn't only the left that is vicious and violent. The right is violent, too! Whoever is guilty of perpetrating this latest stunt is irrelevant. His intent is obvious: demonstrate that there are lunatics on the right, too! Great plan.

Underestimating the intelligence of the American people is a progressive conceit. People on the left are confident that those not on their "team" are all troglodytes.

We on the right cannot escape knowing their Marxist-socialist opinions, their plans for transforming America. We are subjected to their views and values all day, every day, in print and on television. But they know nothing of what or how we think or what our values are. The young know nothing about the truth of American history or the Constitution. Everything they have been taught is wrong.

With the exception of those educated at Hillsdale College and a few other places, they know nothing about the founding of this nation, the Constitution, or the Revolutionary War that won our independence. They know nothing of the facts of the Civil War, Lincoln, or the truth of the racism that characterized the Democratic Party then and still does. It is the left that defines all of us by skin color and on one scale of victimhood or another.



  1. Something about this whole thing just doesn't sit right.

  2. this incident as well as the shooting today, it becomes very obvious how desperate the left is to destroy this country. NO republican in his right mind would do such a thing so close to the election! the leftest hypocrytes are howling about these terrible evil events. which most likely have soros dirt all over these political ops, planned to be blamed on Trump and his supporters

  3. Mental sickness doesn’t follow party lines.

  4. I believe it was planned by the Democrats for two reasons - take away from the red wave and try to convince the public that Republicans are bullies too. It backed fired and some poor deranged soul fell prey to the Dems evil ways.

  5. ALL a set up by the deep state that has failed...as the Truth begins to get out, all will see.

  6. All recent events have blue mid-term hail Mary all over them.


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