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Thursday, October 25, 2018

DHS: We Can Confirm There Are Criminals, Gang Members in the Illegal Caravan

The Department of Homeland Security has confirmed there are in fact criminals and dangerous gang members traveling inside the illegal caravan headed to north to the U.S. southern border. In addition, they are confirming President Trump's claims "middle easterners" and citizens of countries outside of North and South America, are also in the caravan.
.@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories.
Citizens of countries outside Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere are currently traveling through Mexico toward the U.S.
Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way.

During an interview with Fox News Tuesday, a Honduran man traveling with the caravan confirmed criminals are involved.



  1. But the thing is once they attempt to cross the whole group are criminals. How hard is that for people to understand?

  2. We can confirm that there are also criminals in Congress.

  3. Well then send all of them to all the democrats homes
    Bet they change their mind then you think
    Go figure

  4. Close the broader, and set up machine gun stations every few yards, do a full scale reenactment of the D-Day invasion, only we play the Germans!


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