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Monday, October 08, 2018

Democrats’ foul tactics on Kavanaugh may come back to bite them

“I can’t think of a more embarrassing scandal for the United States Senate since the McCarthy hearings,” said Texas Republican John Cornyn as Judge Brett Kavanaugh testified before the Judiciary Committee on the afternoon of Sept. 27, “when the question was, ‘Have you no sense of decency?'"

Cornyn was quoting Joseph Welch, the Boston lawyer representing Joe McCarthy’s targets in the June 1954 hearing, responding to McCarthy’s charge that a young lawyer was a communist. Six months later, the Senate censured McCarthy by a vote of 67-22, and his name became a synonym for manipulating parliamentary procedure and making spectacular and unsubstantiated charges for political gain.

Which is what Senate Democrats, with the active and avid cooperation of many of their friends and fans in the press, have been doing throughout the confirmation process for the Supreme Court nomination of Kavanaugh. They have, in truth, been doing it for decades now. Character assassination has become their weapon of choice.



  1. I hope it bites them real good.

  2. A lot of us may have thought he was a RINO, but his laying out of the Democrats of the Senate Judiciary was the greatest speech since Joseph Welch"s speech towards McCarthy.

    ""Have You No Sense of Decency?"

    Mr Bob

  3. The Dems have no issue concerning Teddy Kennedy when he was so drunk he drove off a bridge and his 19 year old passenger Mary Jo Kopechne drowned in the stream below. He stumbled his drunk a$$ home, sobered up and the had a friend call police the next morning. But, it's OK, he was a famous Democrat.

  4. wouldnt vote for a democrat if they were the only ones running. they are lower than the dirt the barrel sits on

  5. Schumer and Warren are the worst of the McCarthyites.


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