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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Crowdfunding campaign has raised $1 million for Christine Blasey Ford

Brett Kavanaugh's main accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, has raised nearly $1 million from two GoFundMe accounts, and she's asking for more, according to an article by RealClearInvestigations.

Ford is also fielding offers for a book deal. All of this despite Democrats making a big deal during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings that she had "nothing to gain" from coming forward.

"You had absolutely nothing to gain by bringing these facts to the Senate Judiciary Committee," Sen. Dick Durbin said during her testimony last month. This sentiment was echoed by other Democrats, who presented it as evidence that Ford was telling the truth. "I want to thank you," added California Sen. Kamala Harris, "because you clearly have nothing to gain for what you have done."



  1. Snowflakes like to waste their (and our) money on stupid and useless causes

  2. Liberals.! No! Vote for the ((*Truth!)) Republicans will Win!# Ah *yes! I am back from my ((hiatus)). You see,! Liberals are /Insane\\ ! Seek the ^Truth§!' With you own Mind's Eye$!

  3. Ill-gotten gains.

  4. She will have a net worth of about 7 million by the time her book gets done. It will automatically be trending, bestsellers, mainstream media tour, talk show tour, endorsements, free air fare, hotels and probably a day named after her. In my opinion she LIED HER A$$ OFF.


  5. Good to know she'll have some liquid assets if she's sued for her lies.

  6. Oprah is toying with the idea of giving her a Talk Show on her O network.
    We all know it will just be another Trump bashing shit show.

  7. So what will the book be about? How to make money from a lie?

  8. This whole debacle was an attempt to keep a conservative jurist off the bench; woefully and systematically defeated. Just another example of how low the left is willing to go.

  9. How's she going to write a book, she can't remember anything.

  10. I do hope she is sued. It isn't right that she was not asked questions that would have made her lies come forward. Nothing she said was collaborated. That is truly scary for all men.


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