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Saturday, October 06, 2018

Clinton Sex Scandal Whistleblower: Ford Has Severely Damaged #MeToo

Linda Tripp, the woman who exposed former President Bill Clinton's sex scandal with Monica Lewinsky, said in an interview this week that Christine Blasey Ford has severely damaged the #MeToo movement.

Daily Mail reports that Tripp, 68, said that the weaponization of unsubstantiated allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh were "smacking of a political agenda" and set the #MeToo movement back a decade.

"Any allegations of sexual assault should be heard but I have to wonder at the timing of Ford’s decision to come forward," Tripp said. "He was a judge in I think the second highest court of the land for several years but that was not enough to propel her forward. She didn’t come forward when she shared it with a therapist, why not?"



  1. The pound symbol in front of this movement damaged it. If these incidents happened as the describe so vividly o so many years ago why not go to the authorities then? Pound me too.

  2. It’s obvious she fabricated these fake allegations so the liberal progressive democrat smear machine could wind up against a Trump nominee. Can you say BACKFIRE? Who’s deplorable now? Who will now live the rest of their lives with a conservative Supreme Court? LMAO!!

  3. Where is the million dollars + ? From #GoFundMe - I guess Ford's payoff.


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