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Thursday, October 04, 2018

Breaking News: Two undecided G.O.P. senators suggested they were satisfied with the F.B.I. report on Brett Kavanaugh. Democrats called the inquiry incomplete.

Senators Jeff Flake of Arizona and Susan Collins of Maine did not say that they will vote for Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, President Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee.

But both made positive remarks after a closed-door briefing in which Republicans were told that no witnesses corroborated the accounts of Judge Kavanaugh’s main accusers.


  1. I don't like Kavanaugh for lots of reasons, and I don't want him on the Supreme Court.

    However, innocent until proven guilty... and to say otherwise is just not American.

    I feel bad for him and his family, and what was done is terrible, reprehensible.

    If he has grounds for libel or slander I say he should pursue that to it's fullest. The torment his family has had to endure I just cannot imagine.

    Wrong is wrong. This was wrong.

  2. 1 flip Flopper Dem just said she is a NO

  3. The dems didn't seem to want to make a big deal when Sen. Ed Kennedy drove off a bridge and let a 19 year old girl drown to death as he ran to his house and slept off the booze from the night before.


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