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Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Bill and Hillary Clinton Launch Nationwide Speaking Tour

Former President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton announced a nationwide speaking tour on Monday.

Each event, headlined “An Evening with the Clintons,” is promoted as a chance to hear from the former first couple.

The description reads:

Experience a one-of-a-kind conversation with two individuals who have helped shape our world and had a front seat to some of the most important moments in modern history. From the American presidency to the halls of the Senate and State Department to one of the United States’ most controversial and unpredictable presidential elections, they provide a unique perspective on the past, and remarkable insight into where we go from here.

Pre-sale tickets are listed for as much as $228.44 for an appearance with the Clintons as they travel to over a dozen places like Las Vegas, Toronto, New York City, Detroit, Philadelphia, Boston, Los Angeles, and Washington, DC.

The tour begins November 18, after the Congressional mid-term elections.



  1. Good luck with that, those 2 are just a glutton for punishment.

  2. wow nothing about rose law firm whitewater, rape, his impeachment, her russian collusion, hati theft, bengazi failure, body count, the lies theft and deceptions.

  3. Here we go. The wicked witch getting ready for another run at the White House.

  4. Blah, blah, blah. It's all about the money.

  5. Obviously they need money. The days of 10K meet and greets are long gone. Now its $75 at a convention center venue to hear these two nobody's speak. Priceless.

  6. 3 year olds and up are required to purchase a ticket.

  7. As horrible as these two people are, you still have hordes of losers that worship them. It is those losers that fuel the Clintons egos.

  8. Chelsea is running next.

  9. They should come to the bury on a third friday and pass a hat around. May even score a half can of beer left by some drunk leaving early.

  10. I wish these two would crawl in a hole and ...

  11. I'm not completely sure that they haven't already.

  12. Of course they are. The election is coming up.


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