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Tuesday, October 09, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Who is in whose pocket?


  1. So HEATH THE THIEF can continue to give away our County property to GILIS crew while RAISING the PROPERTY TAX CAP to pay for it.

  2. Just another example on how Gillis and the Home Boys are getting rich and controlling Salisbury.

  3. No surprise here. Heath has cozied up to the real estate people since he became a city councilman and particularly since he started carrying water for Jake Day.

    Oh, by the way, Bradley Gillis and Jake Day own a big piece of undeveloped property on the edge of the east side of town, just ripe for annexation. Will this be a repeat of the Mike Dunn saga?

  4. What piece of property is that ?. Where?

  5. I took it if heath is elected he will run business out of town with his tax and spend liberal programs.

  6. No surprise there. The council has sold brad Gillis half of downtown for pennies. If they would do that for me I would vote for him too.

  7. Across the street from wal mart in Fruitland, next to Denny's. It has been for sale, forever. Bet it sells now.


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