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Thursday, October 18, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Salisbury University Coach Placed On Administrative Leave

Though it was interesting Salisbury University head basketball coach Andrew Sachs was put on administrative leave but no one knows why.


  1. It’s obvious. There is a legal matter, so they cannot comment on it - it is to protect both parties.

  2. Interesting how? Interesting because you are an idiot who is always looking for a reason to kick a person while they're down? Why don't you mind your own f'ing business.

  3. When it comes to SU sports / Athletes / coaches it is all covered up. Been that way for decades.

  4. He probably expressed support of President Trump.

  5. Maybe he was wearing a MAGA hat! Salisbury University is a bastion of liberal, anti American, anti Christian & anti White idiots!

  6. Kavanagh Syndrome!

  7. Administrative leave or leave of absence? Could be personal reasons, like a sick wife or parent.

  8. Another racist bunch of BS. S.U. has gone to the far left , sick , sick !

    1. I wonder if there parents know that SU is in the middle of Thugville.

  9. 2:26pm, you dimwit, it's interesting because everything in this damn town is covered up and now this too, if you don't like what is on this blog, there is an x up in the corner of this page, use it.

    1. Absolutely it’s covered up just like at 7 o’clock last night on WBOC they showed the car chase that ended up at the drug dealers house in Delmar. Funny how you don’t hear a thing about it the rest of the night or at all this morning from any of the news outlets they had helicopters in the air and 14 police vehicles in pursuit of one vehicle and you ain’t heard one thing about it on none of the news agencies there told what they’re allowed to put out and what not it’s all a big cover-up on the Eastern shore every single one involved not a single one that’s not.

  10. Shame on any parent for letting their kids go to this liberal liberal place

  11. Say what you want about S.U. If it were not here your bury really would be a little baltimore.

  12. 6:14. It already is ... & because of it.


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