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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

43 Shot, Five Fatally, over Halloween Weekend in Chicago

Forty-three people were shot, including five who were shot fatally, over Halloween weekend in Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s Chicago.

The Chicago Sun-Times reported that beginning with Friday, each day in the weekend became more violent. For example, “three wounded and one killed Friday night, 11 wounded and one killed on Saturday, and 25 shot — three fatally — on Sunday.”

The five individual killed were 16-year-old John Pena, 23-year-old Kenjuan D. Scott, 30-year-old Deshawn Jacobs, 20-year-old Detavious Beeks, and an unidenified 33-year-old male. All were fatally shot while standing on a sidewalk, walking, or inside a vehicle.



  1. We have issues here on the eastern shore, but nothing like Chi-town or B-more.

    BUT we still have issues!

  2. proof positive gun control/bans do not work. voting for democrats wont fix this problem but hey chicago is one of those @##houses and dont get me started on the POS Rahm. chicago gets what they deserve electing that moron

  3. There was no Halloween weekend. 10-31 is on a Wednesday this year.

  4. They have got to aim better, or use more powerful guns, all this wounding is such a waste.

  5. unless they're in the World Series I could care less about Chicago

  6. 9:26
    Your comment is detestable.

    Bob Pinto

  7. Halloween weekend is referred to the weekend preceding Halloween when it falls during the week. So the article is referring to this past weekend.
    Chicago has one of the strictest gun-control laws in the country. The bad guys going around shooting people don't care about laws. That is why citizens need to be armed for their own protection.

  8. 9:11 you are an idiot, dead victims save tons of money for the city. Think of the costs associated with saving these thugs. Most will return to their life of crime. When dead it is over, only cost to the city is $500 to bury them.

  9. 9:11...LOL....all those future teachers, scientists, and military heroes are being gunned down and it's a damn shame.

    Okay. I made that up.

    Gangbangers, felons and soon-to-be felons, men with 5 kids whom they never see, informers, thieves, and murderers. THOSE are the majority of the victims.
    Every once in a while you can hold up the 3 year shot by a stray round, but basically, it's criminals thinning their own herd and their democrat leaders do nothing, except telling the rest of the country to disarm themselves.
    EVERY city democrats run and control is a killing field, where democrat leaders want to sacrifice YOUR life, while protecting THEIRS with.....wait for it.......GUNS.
    Keep cheering.

  10. 9:26 more range time should do it.

  11. How about those strict gun control laws imposed on Chicago citizens? Someone didn’t get the memo?

  12. @ October 31, 2018 at 9:11 AM. Oh no, it is not. What is detestable is that such as this is blamed on the whites. Yet blacks are killed way more by other blacks than any other race. But you all do not want to talk about that. But then again, I guess that is someone else's fault too, huh?


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