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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

When Every Boy Is Guilty, Every Girl Becomes a Monster

I have a problem when I get angry. The problem is that I’ve long ago learned – particularly in dealing with traditional publishers – to get depressed instead of letting myself go berserk. Mostly because when you’re dealing with publishers they’re not near enough to vent your berserker on, so you just end up hurting yourself. (Whoever said stress is the feeling you get when you can’t strangle someone who righteously deserves it was right on the money.)

Lately, I’ve been getting deeply, profoundly depressed, which is why I’ve been so silent. (Yes, post three on how to write short stories is on the way.)

So many things are winding up, it’s not even worth listing them all. The most proximal one, though, is the accusation against Kavanaugh, which, even if true, would not be in any way actionable or, barring this behavior persisting into adulthood, mean anything about his character as a grown-up. High school has always been a weird and psychologically unstable part of anyone's growing up years, partly because we’re all learning the ropes of what “adult” means, and partly because we’re isolated with other kids, also all learning the ropes. (It’s not the best system, no.)



  1. I agree with this article 100%. This is a sad time in America because we all know from the 60's, 70's and 80's; these drunken, teasing, whore like teenagers and young party girls/groupies. Then these Ho Ho grow up and become educated, angry and profession women. These women start to listen to the most, I hate men organization well known as the #metoo movement and holler I was sexually harassed or raped or grouped or abused or touched inappropriately or etc. by a man back in the day. I loathe the #metoo movement because they are turning me boys and men into wimps and homosexuals so that they can become Amazonian like female warriors. As a women, the last thing the world need is females in charged of nation governments. What men need to do before the have sex with any women is get with a lawyers and find out what agreement they need to put in place for these party girls and young women that will stick in a court of law. Men in thus incorruptible society need to protect themselves from these fake Amazonian females.

  2. I am the mother of a son who was falsely accused of kidnapping a female and is serving 10 years in prison. There was no evidence to support the allegation; in fact, the evidence disproved her claim. However, because the accuser was a female, one of our local female judges determined that my son is a violent criminal who deserves to lose his freedom, his reputation, and his health. This is not the first time the local female judge allowed her feminist agenda to ruin the life of a male; I have encountered five other families whose sons were destroyed at the hands of this judge. Because of her position, she is immune from any consequences for her biased decisions. Long before the Kavanaugh witch-hunt Wicomico County has been taking the word of female accusers and persecuting the men who are accused. This latest attempt to destroy a man comes as no surprise to me or to the other mothers of sons whose lives have been destroyed. My heart goes out to Judge Kavanaugh, but it also goes out to his wife and daughters. They are the innocent victims of this outrageous situation. America needs to wake up; as an old friend of mine used to say, "It is a world gone mad." Are we going to continue pitting one gender against the other to destroy our country? It appears that we are.


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