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Tuesday, September 04, 2018

US service member killed in apparent insider attack in Afghanistan

A US service member was killed and another wounded in an apparent insider attack in eastern Afghanistan on Monday, authorities said.

The service member, who was not identified, was the sixth American to be killed in the Afghan war — the nation’s longest — so far this year.

The incident came two months after a member of a US Army training unit was shot dead by an Afghan soldier in the southern province of Uruzgan.

“The sacrifice of our service member, who volunteered for a mission to Afghanistan to protect his country, is a tragic loss for all who knew and all who will now never know him,” said Gen. Scott Miller, who assumed command of NATO forces in Afghanistan on Sunday.


1 comment:

  1. GTFO now, let these idiots continue their 1000+ year talent of warring among themselves.

    They don't want our help in establishing a central government, they just want to war among themselves.

    So let them.

    Stop them when they cross our border!


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