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Monday, September 24, 2018

Trump To Investigate Google, Facebook Under New Executive Order: Bloomberg

According to a an early draft of an Executive Order (EO), the White House will instruct federal law enforcement and antitrust agencies to launch investigations into the business practices of Facebook, Google and other social media companies, according to Bloomberg which says it has seen the draft.

While not specifically calling out companies by name, the document orders US antitrust officials to "thoroughly investigate whether any online platform has acted in violation of the antitrust laws," while instructing other agencies to return recommendations within a month of Trump signing the EO which could potentially "protect competition among online platforms and address online platform bias."

The document doesn’t name any specific companies. If signed, the order would represent a significant escalation of Trump’s antipathy toward Google, Facebook, Twitter and other social media companies, whom he has publicly accused of silencing conservative voices and news sources online.

The draft order directs that any actions federal agencies take should be “consistent with other laws" -- an apparent nod to concerns that it could threaten the traditional independence of U.S. law enforcement or conflict with the First Amendment, which protects political views from government regulation. -Bloomberg


1 comment:

  1. He should do the same for Petroleum / Communications / Insurance / Power companies and their monopoly and price gouging,


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