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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Trump SLAMS the 'bad ones' in the Justice Department

President Trump slammed the 'bad ones' in the Justice Department following reports Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein wanted to wear a wire to secretly record the president and discussed invoking the 25th Amendment.

Speaking to a fired-up crowd at a rally in Missouri on Frriday night, he said there was a 'lingering stench' in Justice 'and we're going to get rid of that'.

He was in Springfield supporting Republican Senate nominee Josh Hawley, who is running against two-term Democratic senator Claire McCaskill.

Hours after the New York Times broke the story, Trump said: 'Just look at what is being exposed in our Justice Department.

'We have great people in the Department of Justice. ... But you've got some real bad ones. You've seen what's happened at the FBI. They're all gone.

'But there's a lingering stench and we're going to get rid of that, too.'


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