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Monday, September 24, 2018

Trump Reform Denies Green Cards To People Who Expect Taxpayer Aid

The Department of Homeland Security has released its draft regulation to bar the legal immigration of people who are likely to rely on taxpayer-funded aid programs, including medical care, pensions, and anti-poverty aid.

The regulation is based on long-standing law, and could begin operating early next year.

Overall, the regulation is expected to sharply cut the taxpayers’ cost of supporting the roughly 1.1 million legal migrants who are given green cards each year. Over time, it may also reduce the inflow of unskilled labor, helping nudge up wages for unskilled Americans and prior immigrants.



  1. Now we need to start taxing the money that gets sent home! It will offset the benefits being paid to them and help fund the wall!

  2. No free rides here!


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