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Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Trump Appoints Kiron Skinner at State to Carry Out ‘America First’ Agenda

President Trump has appointed Kiron Skinner, a well-known conservative African American scholar, as the State Department’s director of policy planning, and she is promising to check egos and carry out the president’s “America First” agenda.

“To counter 21st century threats and take advantage of unfolding opportunities, I will bring together a no-nonsense team of career diplomats, political appointees, scholars, and analysts who want to leave egos and outworn doctrines at the door,” she said in a statement to Breitbart News.

“In the cauldron of Washington politics this may sound naïve, but it must be done to create a 21st century American foreign policy that protects Americans and advances American interests,” she said.

“To effectively implement President Trump’s America First vision means thinking through the President’s ideas and good instincts with the seriousness that they deserve, and that’s exactly what my team and I will do,” she added.

More here


  1. First thing racist Dems will say she is a traitor to her take.

  2. The good president has picked some turncoats since in office. I'm not familiar with this one, but hope she doesn't treat him like the last female friend, that departed not long ago.

  3. I've listened to her for several years on Fox News and she always has great points to make. I think that POTUS made a good choice and one that is bulletproof from the lefts backlash.

  4. She is a pawn, can't you people see the tricks.

  5. I'll give it a few months before all her people convince her that Trump is the bad guy and there will be a tape that she only heard of that said Trump said bananas while walking to the bathroom.


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