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Thursday, September 27, 2018

'There Will Be Evictions': New Smoking Ban Roils Public Housing's Oldest Residents

The rule, which is projected to save states $150 million a year, went into effect this summer.

The 2 million people living in public housing have a new rule to follow: no smoking cigarettes, pipes, cigars or vapes within 25 feet of their building.

When the Obama administration first proposed the rule, more than 600 agencies out of 3,300 had already made public housing units smoke-free. But there is one population that public housing directors say has been slow to adjust to the rule: elderly residents, who are more likely to lack mobility and to have smoked for a longer period of time.


1 comment:

  1. One pack of smokes a day about $6.00. 30 days times $6.00 = $180.00. Tax payers are coughing up money for their rent while they cough up loogies all day long. Just sayin'...


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