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Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Untold Truth About Obama's Former CIA Director, John Brennan

"Why does John Brennan need a security clearance other than to commercially exploit it? "

Let’s get something clear from the start.

In 1976, in his 20s, John Brennan was a card-carrying communist who supported the then Soviet Union, at the height some might say of the Cold War, so much so he voted and assisted Gus Hall, the communist candidate for President against a devout Christian, Jimmy Carter who ultimately won the Presidency.

Yet under four years later, just after the then Soviet Union invaded, just weeks before, Afghanistan and months after the tumultuous Iranian revolution of 1979, which at the time many thought the Soviet Union had a hand in, Brennan was accepted into the CIA as a junior analyst.

At that time, John Brennan should have never got into the CIA, or any Western Intelligence agency given his communist background.

Think on that carefully as you continue to read this.

Also reflect on the fact that Brennan, later in his CIA career, was surprisingly elevated from junior analyst to the prestigious position of Station Chief in Saudi Arabia where he spent a few years.

Its said he was appointed purely for ‘political’ reasons, alleged to have been at the direct request of Bill Clinton and other Democrats not because of a recommendation or merit from within the Agency.

Its further said that the Saudis liked Brennan because he became very quickly ‘their man’ so to speak. Some reports, unsubstantiated, even allege Brennan became a Muslim while there to ingratiate himself with the Saudis.

Important to read is an NBC news article entitled ‘Former Spooks Criticize CIA Director John Brennan for Spying Comments’ by Ken Dilanian dated March 2nd, 2016.

The article contains many revealing facts and evidence, while giving a flavour, of the feelings of many in the CIA who felt that Brennan was totally unsuitable and unqualified to be Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.



  1. (Reliable) CIA personnel have pretty much told me the same. His clearance needs to be stripped. Same goes for the antics of John Kerry who is back dooming the elected administration. They simply have no excuse.

    1. My CIA contact told me your full of sh&@

  2. He's the treasonous one.

  3. Kerry should be arrested for treason. How did he work with the enemie as if he was still Head of State. Where do these people such as Obama think America needs their help to survive. I say "lock up up." .he has had the good life too long.

  4. "Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don't know him"

    -Adm. William "Bill" McRaven

    You'll have to excuse me if I take the words of the retired admiral, as well as plenty of others in the national security apparatus, over you clowns here.


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