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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The secret documents Republicans want Trump to declassify this week

There is growing buzz among Hill Republicans that President Trump will act this week to declassify some key documents in the Trump-Russia investigation. Some in the GOP had hoped the documents would be released weeks ago – they've been asking with increasing urgency – but an internal White House debate apparently held that up. In any event, there are new GOP hopes that this will be the week. If the White House does act, these are the documents, some or all, that might be released:

1) More of the Carter Page FISA wiretap application. The release of a heavily-redacted version of the secret court application, and subsequent renewals, to wiretap the onetime Trump foreign policy aide has already shown that the FBI relied on the unverified Trump dossier. Now, Republicans want the president to declassify the rest of the application, or, failing that, to release about 20 key pages of it.

What is in it? Remember that fired FBI Director James Comey, in an interview with Fox News in connection with his new book, said that, yes, the dossier was included in the Page surveillance request, but that, "My recollection was, it was part of a broader mosaic of facts that were laid before the FISA judge to obtain a FISA warrant." The 20 or so unreleased pages of the Page FISA application are said to shed light on Comey's "mosaic" comment – that is, they will purportedly reveal more of the FBI's reason for wiretapping Page. So far, no one in the public knows what those reasons are.


1 comment:

  1. They are afraid of a revolution.

    When it is revealed that TOP members of various police agencies, spy agencies, "news" agencies, Senators, and even the President himself were actively using their power to subvert the will of "we, the people" and swing an election, a general feeling of "lets start the hanging" might occur.
    Let us pray.

    THIS is a republic?? More like a banana republic. Complete with killers, planted news copy, and "the sky is green and you better believe it or lose your career" cheerleaders.
    Keep cheering.


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