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Friday, September 28, 2018

The Journey Has begun

Wings on the water! The Coast Guard announced a 747 will be towed by Stevens tug “Island Trader” from Quonset State Airport, Rhode Island to National Harbor on the Potomac by way of Cape Henry, Virginia. The plane will leave September 27 and arrive October 1 to be part of AirForceOneExperience.com Maybe you can catch this rare sight of a plane on the Chesapeake Bay?

UPDATE: The barge "Sea Crescent" and the escort vessel "Island Trader" have been spotted near Newport, Rhode Island and heading south. It appears the journey, delayed because of poor weather conditions, has begun! If you have eyes on the plane, please post for those of us tracking. Thank you


  1. It's a museum piece, out of service.

  2. I once watched a space shuttle being placed on the back of a 747.That's how they got airborn.That shuttle was so huge it did not look possible for the 747 to take off,let alone fly it to 35,000 ft before it was released.A truly amazing plane.

    1. They released them from the plane early on for approach and landing tests.

  3. It's Obama hijacking AF1.

  4. Hurricane season is the best choice of times to try this...


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