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Friday, September 28, 2018

The Greatest Fly Over Ever

The Chiefs were playing the Raiders.

Obama had eliminated the patriotic military flyovers at large events.

A group of guys in Kansas City who do some formation flying in their own planes, decided they'd volunteer to pick up the slack. They invited a couple of other groups to join them and before they knew it they had 48 guys with their own airplanes signing up to join in. If they had more time, they probably would have gotten an even larger group as people kept joining and a 49th was added near the event.


  1. Wow! I got chills.

  2. Try this in Syria Iran Iraq.

  3. Love it. I remember a time when to be a patriot was an honor. Now we seem to be the enemy to many. From the cheers, must be lots of patriots in that crowd. MAGA

  4. Wow! Powerful!

    $20 says the Raiders lost...


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