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Monday, September 17, 2018

The Game-- ‘Too Fast’ to Hear Kavanaugh Accuser This Week

During an appearance Monday on CNN’s “New Day,” Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) reacted to President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court associate justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s sexual assault allegations, saying this week would be “too fast” to hear from his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford.

Durbin said the Judiciary Committee will have to “be fair” to both Kavanaugh and Ford, adding that it would be too quick this week to have Ford testify because of the importance of a SCOTUS confirmation.



  1. Democrats have no platform to run on. The only thing they have to satisfy their far left base is to resist and delay the Trump Administration. It is kind of sad to see the Democrat party reduced to a whiny, far left leaning bunch of socialists. They have embraced the rich hollywood elites, the criminal elements of our society and the illegal immigrants. By doing so they have abandoned middle America.

  2. Drag her lying ass up there tonight in a emergency hearing keep her there for days she is a Lying POS Dem snoowflake who can't even the year it supposely happened WHY are we bowing to these Liberal bitches.

  3. I'm female and I agree with you. She has no evidence. Can't believe we are entertaining this accusation.


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