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Friday, September 07, 2018

The Five Most Overrated Beers

If people want to drink cheap, badly made beer, fine. This is America, they're free to make poor decisions about beer. Frankly, it's none of my business. When I see some poor sap placing a twelve-pack of an American adjunct lager that tastes like the water out of a can of expired corn into his grocery cart, I keep my comments to myself. However, when people rave about their favorite bad beer as if it's on par with a delicious Bell's Two Hearted Ale or a Founders Breakfast Stout (two of my go-to beers) I feel compelled to speak up. In the spirit of keeping bad beer drinkers honest, I've ranked the five most overrated beers below. To be clear, beers exist that are worse than the five below. But people who drink Molson Ice do not generally rave about its flavor. In contrast, the people who prefer the beers listed below tend to talk ad nauseam about how great their favorite beer is. They, of course, are wrong.



  1. most people drink beer to get drunk not because it tastes good,so they buy the cheapest beer with the highest alcohol content.

    1. Not true. Only living in Salisbury do they do that. Frankly beer drinkers for the most part drink for the taste. Why do you think we have so many brands?? Now IPA. Go get some sweet tea from Grandma. Tell her how great it is.

  2. I have a feeling you're going to get a ton of comments here.
    IMHO, i prefer German beer. After all, they were making it for 500 years before the IPA beer snobs started telling us what we should like. If you've ever been to Bavaria, you'll understand.
    Sour beers...WTF!? Come on, man!
    Drink what you like and can afford. Don't let someone else shame you into drinking crap you don't like. Be original.

  3. I like beer. I don't drink to get drunk, I drink beer for the pleasure of drinking. Beer flavored water is not on my list.

  4. Any beer with “American” in the name. Love the country but the beer is p!ss. IPA’s are for guys in skinny jeans and man buns. No one really likes them...Pinhopple, Coffee, Sour Beer..? C’mon. IPA’s are like Starbucks coffee. Taste like sh!t but you think you’re cool while you drink them.


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