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Friday, September 21, 2018

The Dangers of 'Believe Women'

I have a message for virtue-signaling men who’ve rushed to embrace #MeToo operatives hurling uncorroborated sexual assault allegations into the chaotic court of public opinion.

Stuff it.

Your blanket “Believe Women” bloviations are moral and intellectual abominations that insult every human being of sound mind and soul.

A certain class of never Trump-harumphers are leading the charge on behalf of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s memory-addled partisan accuser Christine Blasey Ford—who cannot recall the year she was allegedly traumatized, where it happened, who threw the party that paralyzed her for nearly four decades, how many were in attendance during her claimed assault, how she got there, or how she left.

No matter! Bush campaign hack-turned-ABC News analyst Matthew Dowd doesn’t need any data to analyze. “Enough with the ‘he said, she said'” storyline,” he declared this week. “If this is ‘he said, she said,’ then let’s believe the she in these scenarios. She has nothing to gain, and everything to lose. For 250 years we have believed the he in these scenarios. Enough is enough.”

Clinton/Kerry flack Peter Daou echoed the unthinking sentiment: “To everyone on the right who says I’m being selective, I BELIEVE WOMEN whether the accused is a Republican or Democrat. And yes, that includes all the names you’re throwing at me. My default in these situations is to BELIEVE WOMEN.”

Ivy League poobah Simon Hedlin asserted: “Accusers go public not because of any supposed benefits but despite the immense costs.” He argued: “When somebody is credibly accused of sexual misconduct, the default should be to believe the accuser.”

That is a dumb and dangerous default. The costly toll of “believing women,” instead of believing evidence, can be seen in the hundreds and hundreds of cases recorded by the University of Michigan Law School’s National Registry of Exonerations involving innocent men falsely accused of rape and rape/murders.



  1. There are more democrats than republicans

  2. Joe, some women will do any thing for money or 15 mins. of so "called" fame. Most of us women are smarter then that. We can think without a man telling us what to think maybe those women need that but not the most of us. Trump 2020

  3. These women who are always yelling rape, make me sick. Yes, I am a woman. What was she doing at this supposed party doing who knows what with supposedly a bunch of guys 35 years ago. Did her parents not tell her you don't party with a bunch of guys. This is just so much bull, that it's sickening what a way to get 5 minutes of fame and ruin a perfectly good name for life. Reminds me of some happenings in Salisbury not so long ago. Look out for these biotches guys, they are out there and they will ruin your life for sure.


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