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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Ted Cruz And Wife Chased Out Of DC Restaurant By Anti-Kavanaugh Protesters

Senator Ted Cruz, a supporter of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, was verbally assaulted by a group of protesters at a DC restaurant Monday night while trying to dine with his wife, as seen in a video posted by twitter account Smash Racism DC.

The protesters, chanting "we believe survivors," blocked Cruz's wife from exiting the restaurant at one point, prompting the Texas Senator to ask them to "let my wife through."



  1. I’m getting sick of this crap... Ted should’ve called the police and had them arrested for kidnapping

  2. Somebody's been listening to Maxine Waters. I have to question the sanity of anybody who does.

  3. This is not nice at all and shouldn't happen. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to sit across from Lying Ted

  4. Wouldn't it be nice if there were a group of patriots waiting outside that overpriced restaurant and they stomped the crap out of the pink hat wearing soy boys and shemales?

  5. name names! so we know who to go after. do not let these people get away with this crap. They deserve the same treatment!

  6. I don't recognize my country anymore.....SAD!

  7. He should have been carrying a gun and shot them in fear for his and his wife's life!

  8. When are we good Americans going to start fighting back against this insanity?

    Give them Progressive Socialists a good American A$$whippen and they will think twice about committing these crimes again.

  9. Another bunch of Soro and Michael Moores puppets! People will destroy any body for money!! They all should have been arrested. Senator Cruz handled it perfectly with " God Bless you!!

  10. They are SO tough when it is 20 against two and a man is with his wife.
    It would be easy to knock two or three of them out cold before they knew what was happening, but your wife's safety would be in peril.
    They KNOW this.
    I'm for whispering to my wife that she should go out and get in the car. After she's gone, start a WAR.
    Make the next bunch of gay, green haired, uneducated buffoon instigators sorry they opened their big mouth. A GoFundMe page for the legal fees would top a million in the first day.
    Start hurting people who are trying to hurt others. Hurt them in permanent ways. Something they will remember for a long time.
    Whatever it takes to make these losers understand that your family is NOT fair game, especially in a restaurant or theatre.
    Maybe they ought to ask moochelle about "the high road".
    Before they are buried beneath the low one.

  11. Not fair at all 901, including Maxine in this discussion. Ted/Wife had to leave a restaurant and miss dinner, I just heaved my lunch with the simple mention of Maxine!

    (snicker snicker)

  12. As a man I truly think if that had been me, I would have continued with my dinner, ignoring them completely. The moment any of them touched me, my wife, my food, or in any way prevented me from going about my business. It would have been on, and someone was going to the hospital. Why do we keep letting these bullies get away with this?

  13. Good enough for him. He got a taste of real hate. Could not have happy to a better person.


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