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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Taxpayers Kneel to NFL


  1. The kneeling at games has got to stop. If you must call attention to a cause do it rightfully make your stands but not during the National Anthem and the Pledge to our National Flag. Let your opinions and thoughts stand on their own give them a voice. It is very disrespectful to this country and our people to thumb your noses at those who have died for this country and our history. I wish in the next election we could take a vote on this and make this law and if you do it loose your right to be on a team, loose the millions you are making, and serve time for the treason you are exhibiting, it is not all about you it is about us as a country.

    1. *sigh* not sure where exactly to start here in responding to this ridiculously ignorant statement. Lets begin with the US Constitution and how any law forcing you to stand for the flag would not stand up in court. You dont even understand the laws and freedoms behind the symbol you so revere. Thats not patriotism. Thats just being an idiot.

  2. Excellent report. We should absolutely stop paying for any stadium with taxpayer dollars. It's not our responsibility to build a place of business for an industry that pays hundreds of millions to its employees. Let the NFL and the players be the partners to build and maintain their places of business, not the taxpayers.


  3. A problem is that local governments actually believe that teams will pick up and move to other places if they aren't coddled and given breaks that virtually no other businesses get. They may choose to move, but it'll be to another locale that offers a better deal, which puts the whole concept of not footing football's bills a moot point.

  4. why stop there? take away the leagues anti trust exemption! f em they don't like america so what's the problem? they shouldn't be given special exemptions then!

  5. Should have been stopped years ago. I recently saw a report about Schools in Baltimore that do not have AC. Bet those Raven's stadium offices have AC!! nuff said!!.

  6. Time to take away their non-profit status!

  7. Tax the nfl and no more free stadiums.


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