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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

South Africa is 'close to a war zone' with 57 murders a day

South Africa's already high murder rate has increased by about seven per cent, prompting the country's police minister to compare the situation to a 'war zone.'

More than 20,300 people - some 57 every day - have been killed across the country in just 12 months, official statistics showed Tuesday.

Many murders were linked to gang violence in Western Cape province, whose capital is Cape Town.



  1. It's like a little Chicago.

  2. Sounds like a parallel to Maryland & Baltimore...

  3. This what happens when world opinion influences the government of a nation like South Africa. And at the front of the buss is Bill Clinton. Remember he led the charge to abolish apartheid. I have an old friend over in Annapolis. His family WERE South African farmers. White race. A couple of years ago his family's farm was confiscated by a local militia. Then the militia killed his sister and both parents. Derk feared that if were to go back to SA to bury his family he to would be killed. Thankfully some family friends took care of final arrangements. Another country turned into a cesspool courtesy of the Clintons.

  4. Oh. The color of violence.


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