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Monday, September 17, 2018

Somerville drops Columbus Day for Indigenous Peoples' Day

SOMERVILLE — The city of Somerville is dropping Columbus Day in favor of Indigenous Peoples' Day.

Mayor Joe Curtatone announced the change Thursday in a statement calling Columbus Day a "relic of an outdated and oversimplified version of history."

He says the city made the decision after careful consideration and after receiving many "compelling arguments" for the update.

The city north of Boston joins dozens of others across the U.S. that have started using the holiday to celebrate those who lived in America before Christopher Columbus arrived.

Curtatone said there's no good reason to celebrate Columbus and that the explorer "participated in the early stages of what became a genocide."



  1. This 21st Century stuff (only 18 years in) is crazy!!!

  2. Slowly erasing history so the young people will become idiot liberals.

  3. I thought that was the Friday after Thanksgiving

  4. Glad I don't live in that dump

  5. That's what they call Indians in foppish liberal Canada now, "indigenous", and the even more absurd "first nations". Canada has been a giant pile of moose crap ever since they switched to the metric system, which they needed like a fish needs an umbrella. But they think it makes them seem more worldly and sophisticated....when they aren't clubbing baby harp seals to death that is.

  6. 743 "Erasing history" OR correcting the bs script that you guys were shoveled and kids and continue to believe?

  7. Revisionist History is dangerous at best. The end result will be ugly.


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