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Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Small Businesses Flee Facebook After Algos Hobble Revenue-Generating Traffic

Small businesses which blossomed on Facebook are now fleeing in droves, after the social media giant implemented a major change to the platform's news feed to offer content from "friends and family," while hiding "videos and other posts from publishers or businesses," reports NBC News.

While the goal was to make Facebook "more social," publishers ranging from big businesses to cottage-industry blogs have been forced to generate more original content, as opposed to sharing products or affiliate links which are now being suppressed by the Menlo Park, CA company.

Some small publishers have seen their income slashed over 50%.

“One of the Facebook policy changes that kind of went under the radar and it went into effect in February was the branded content policy. And it decreased my income from Facebook by 60 percent, overnight. No explanation.” said Holly Homer, a Texas entrepreneur who runs the Facebook pages for “Quirky Mama” and “Kids Activities.”



  1. I'm getting tired of fb myself and twitter and the rest of them. They are so biased against conservatives and anyone who doesn't agree with their view through their "special lens". They ban, suspend, lock and hide people's accounts that they disagree with and don't say what they want to hear. They can dish it out but can't take it. Pansy liberal demoncrats.

  2. Agree 2:19 think of how easy future generations will be forced to comply or else. Money, thoughts, cars,homes, banks all interconnected. If these luciferians get their way. A mark of the beast is in near future

    And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.


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