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Thursday, September 13, 2018

Sheriff Makes Secret Deal with ACLU to Stop Detaining Illegal Immigrants

A federal appellate court just heard oral arguments involving an outrageous backdoor deal in which a county sheriff promises a left-wing civil rights group to stop detaining illegal immigrants. The case comes out of Marion County Indiana where an illegal alien, Antonio Lopez-Aguilar, was arrested by local law enforcement after a traffic court hearing in Indianapolis. At the time the Marion County Sheriff’s Office had an agreement with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to hold suspects in the U.S. illegally like Lopez-Aguilar until federal officers pick them up for processing.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) sued the Marion County Sheriff to end the local-federal detainer policy that is practiced by law enforcement agencies nationwide and has led to the removal of countless violent criminals living in the country illegally. The ACLU asserts that ICE uses the detainers to “bully local authorities into imprisoning immigrants, many of whom have done nothing wrong, and funneling them into deportation proceedings.” Lopez-Aguilar was held in jail and funneled into deportation proceedings solely on the basis of a “detainer request” from ICE, according to the ACLU. “In addition to violating immigrants’ basic constitutional rights, this kind of cooperation between local law enforcement and federal immigration authorities also undermines public safety,” the group claims. “If immigrants are reluctant to show up in court or report a crime out of fear they may be deported, everyone will be less safe.”

The Marion County Sheriff’s Office caved to the ACLU’s demands by agreeing to stop detaining illegal immigrants for the federal government.



  1. that sheriff should be shot for being an American traitor.

  2. Vote that scum out.

  3. ACLU is receiving funds from Soro's so they are now in his pocket. This Sheriff should be fired for being a traitor to the American people.

  4. I like the part about "...many of whom have done nothing wrong...."

    Paint "STUPID" on his forehead.

    THE VERY FIRST THING they did was break our law. The first thing.
    The writer seems to believe the definition of "breaking the law" is something HE gets to determine..
    Put about 100 catapults on the southern border. Not supposed to be in the USA?
    Pray for a hard landing.

  5. . . . . many of whom have done nothing wrong,, . . Nothing wrong? They keep saying that. Are they so stupid that they do not know these people SNUCK into OUR country ILLEGALLY? That's why they are called ILLEGALS,you idiots. They ARE NOT immigrants. If an immigrant is here LEGALLY, they will not be deported. Stop calling them immigrants.

  6. The Sheriff should be fired for refusing to do his job. We have to stop idiots like this from holding ANY office.


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