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Monday, September 24, 2018

Salisbury Mayor Jake Day Finally Behind Bars


  1. He will love prison, and his new husband!

  2. What am I missing? Why do you believe he will have to serve Jail/Prison time?

    1. Because Trump! Durka durka they took our jobs!!!!

    2. All of the shady backroom deals giving property away for nothing to his friends, the lowest bidders. The small fortune that was handed out in overpriced contracts to do unneeded work, probably benefitting one of his friends in the process. Putting unapproved reflectors onto the roads without permission, then just out right defacing a crosswalk causing a safety hazzard for children crossing from the library.

  3. 12:38 am, For stealing funds from the city coffers for a stupid f#@k festival, that's why he should serve prison time.

  4. A dream come true Jake behind bars for misuse of tax payer money. And if we could just not ever hear his voice or childish ideas again. Claim up this is your last term Mr Mayor because you ran unopposed.

  5. Now he needs to take Dinglebarrie Tilmon and Jimbeau Liarton with him.

  6. Anonymous said...
    He will love prison, and his new husband!

    September 24, 2018 at 10:02 PM

    What he said☝🏻 ☝🏻 ☝🏻 ☝🏻 ☝🏻

  7. Two Government welfare recipients pictured. They thieve and steal from taxpayers, call it “making a living” actually thinking they earn and deserve their money for putting in a few hours a week with nothing to show for it. Pathetic. Incompetent.

  8. What a good little Democrap. He is keeping the seat warm for Hillary.


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