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Sunday, September 16, 2018

Salisbury Maryland Mayor Jake Day Totally Delusional and A Liar

Day says there was about 67,000 to 75,000 people in attendance over the three days.

When are you people going to finally STOP these left wing liberals from flat out lying to your face, or are you people really just that stupid? How about WMDT flat out publishing this load of crap!

WBOC flat out pulled all the comments from anything to do with the Folk Festival posts on Facebook.

That's right, people saw for their very own eyes the event was a complete flop and your local media had to cover it up and take away YOUR First Amendment Rights by trashing your comments.

Sorry but you people are just plain stupid. That's right, I said it. You keep allowing complete BS shoved down your throats and do nothing about it. Every day that passes while allowing these rights removed or lies right in your face means you continue to become passive and ultimately YOUR children will learn to LIE and guess what, it will be OK because everyone else does it.

Jake Day is a LIAR and can no longer be trusted as a human being. 


  1. Absolutely no more than 10,000 for the whole three days!! I thought the military tested for drugs because I need some of whatever it is this idiot is smoking

  2. he was fired from Perdue for lying too

  3. I was there all 3 nights and maybe just maybe there was a total of 9-10,000 people and that's generous.

  4. Frank perdue would be pissed off knowing his company put so much support behind a jackass like a Jake Day. You've embarrassed perdue farms and not like he needed any help but the idiot you call governor of Maryland. You should have admitted your shortcomings and mistake and moved forward. To come out with this ridiculous claim is really classless

  5. All politicians lie. Don't be surprised about.

  6. Who knows more about Jake being fired from Perdue? Let’s hear about this! Joe make this a headliner.

  7. Day had a built in excuse the weather and he still chose to lie. That he lied about something that is so obviously a lie is very very disturbing.

  8. He really should have owned it that the festival was a bust and moved on. People would have moved on quickly because the hurricane is taking over the news.
    That WBOC allows themselves to be controlled by the government isn't surprising.

    1. Liberal scum will never admit to anything that's why they paint gay rainbows all to DISTRACT YOU.

  9. Oh what a tangled web we weave , when first we practice to deceive.
    He has lied so much it seams like it's the truth to him and liberals alike.
    I would like to know who did the head count and how he came up with that number.
    Oh that's right he is a captain in the army of one . He wouldn't make a pimple on an infantry mans a$$.
    Another thing I might add , how in the hell did he get into the military ? I didn't realize he was that short until I saw him at the Market Street Inn paying the bill for all his co-workers. Mamma come get your baby boy .

  10. Sounds like democrats wanting TRUMP to fail!

  11. That. Is. Extraordinary. I guess just like the national news media, he knows people like to eat what they are fed, but man, you have to really have a poor concept of volume to believe that. I mean Sunday, the flea market parking lot had like 25 cars, assume even parking garage was full, that at best gives you 1000 people if they really crowded into garage. If Friday and Saturday by some miracle had ten times that you still would only have 20k. Visually, I didn’t see anywhere near 20k people, but if you said that I would say I just must not have a good grasp. 65k!!!!!!!!! Impossible, that is absolutely nuts.

  12. Just another example of the hidden dangers of the rainbow. Dishonesty, deception lies, its how they roll since their principleS are rooted in the evil of the NEW AGE movement

  13. How sad is this? Salisbury should hang its head is shame. What once was a proud, vibrant city is a disgrace in so many ways.

  14. This is how they claim they counted
    Read it carefully
    And let it sink in that they were tapping into your cellphone
    They double counted because they used too many ways to calculate.

    This year’s attendance numbers were based on photographs taken inside festival tents and by drones flying overhead, said Mayor Jake Day.

    Organizers also looked at how much cash was collected and at cellphone usage, he said. There were 97,931 unique cellphone users in the festival, but some of that number includes police phones and laptops, and phones belonging to festival and city staff members.

    1. What technology was used to gather this cell phone data? Does SPD have a stingray and if so are they abusing it and violating people’s rights?

    2. They had to be counting every single car that went past on 13 with a cellphone. It is insane to me that people's privacy was invaded in such a way for boy mayor to get a head count. I'm continually blown away by his audacity.

    3. Ok, so Prmc and Anchorage have how.many staff, patients and visitors? Those phones would be in those totals. plus all the ghettolings with both their Obama phone and their smartphone. All the dealers with their muktiple burner phones. So subtract all of those from the 97,000.

    4. They had to be counting every single car that went past on 13 with a cellphone. It is insane to me that people's privacy was invaded in such a way for boy mayor to get a head count. I'm continually blown away by his audacity.


  15. Even if he counted the same volunteers and each musician and every single vendor every day over and over, the count would not be that high.

  16. He thinks all of Salisbury was there every day, roflmao

  17. I am trying to be as open minded and supportive "for Salisbury. I went to the festival and was there Saturday afternoon till late. I did have a good time. See potential for a smaller version of this. I also know many people who went multiple days. His numbers are way off. Can we find out how they measured attendance?

  18. Then the donations from the buckets should be high if those are the true attendance numbers

  19. I was there until 11:45 AM Saturday, back at 2:00- 3:30, and again 5:00 - 6:30 pm, and at no time did I see more than 1,000 to 1,200 people. The
    e parking garage at level 1 was 1/3 full, so the upper floors were probably mostly empty. Driving out through the Civic Center satellite parking lot, I counted 255- 270 cars on 2 visits. That count backs up my downtown count.

    Jake must have counted people 50 times a day to get that number.

  20. He is delusional if he thinks for a second this lie of his is going to fly. There wasn't even 10,000 people there. Anyone related to him, supporters should be completely embarrassed at the blatant lies he tells.

  21. I heard from a pretty reliable source that the most in attendance over the three days was in the 15,000
    ballpark total. Sunday was DEAD so really Friday and Saturday is where the numbers are coming from.
    Rode through town yesterday and so many of the tents, porto potties, etc. are still there, which seems
    strange for it ending on Sunday. When a circus or carnival comes to town, everything is torn down
    immediately and nothing left the next day. They were in such a hurry to get everything set up for this
    Folk Festival but slow at tearing it down.

    1. Stevenson is probably at home during the work day instead of taking it down like he is all the time. Ride by, you will see his work truck.

  22. Day should resign right now and his family and friends do an intervention because he has real issues with being truthful.

  23. Vote him out and stop the charade... it's not just a good idea.. it's become critical.

  24. Wrong by a factor of at least 20.

  25. Prepare ... 2 more years

  26. He reminds me of WEE-MAN on Jackass's

  27. I find it funny and highly laughable that you people still cant see when you are being lied to, and to your face at that!!!!! I keep telling you, no one gives a damn about you, not cops or politicians!!!! Here is MORE PROOF!!!! Why do you clowns even bother with commenting, writing articles that simple just waste your damn time??? They don't fix anything, they do't offer any solutions to fix anything, they do't motivate anyone, no one does anything about what you are writing, and yet you still complain as if you think you have a right to!!!! NO when you are complicit and you are passive, and you let this crap happen to you, you are your own fault and the cause and you actually lose the right to say anything!!!!!!

    Why don't you people just shut the fuck up and go into the night and just quit and roll over!!!!! Let your kids future get tossed down the toilet, since we know you don't give a shit about anything!!!!!

  28. MIGHT get another inch out of that dude if you tickle his grundle.

  29. No one believes what spews from this nuts mouth. I look at him like the one kid in the class who always lies and cannot tell the truth I do believe he has children and he ought to put a check on those lies cause what goes around, comes around. When those kids of his lie to him like he's lying to the public, he should be man enough to take it cause actually he caused it.

  30. I think the tax paying public will find out soon enough when taxes will need to be raised to pay for the bills and expenses that will come do from the folk (joke) festival.

    If it was the success that Jake spins it to be, then let us see the books. There should be a revenue surplus!

    Let us see how much or how little they made from the event.

    I would be willing to bet there will be a massive shortfall that will have to be paid to cover this fiasco!

  31. How in the hell do they get away with this BS. I cannot believe that the Daily Rag had 70/M as the attendance number on their front page. WOW!!!!

  32. perdue didnt get as big as they are by telling the truth either

  33. My concern now is does he know he is a liar, or does he believe his own lies? I guess taxes will be going way up. Small business can't afford much more. He's going to bankrupt what is left of Salisbury. I guess we will at least have a rainbow crosswalk and a wrapped parking garage. I just don't understand. I would love to see the true expence of this folk festival and how much was brought in. My guess we will never know.

  34. BULLS*T! There was maybe 6700 people there if you add each 3 days up separately!

  35. IF you believe Jake, I have a Bridge to sell you in an Arizona Desert. Lies, lies and more lies from DEMS...will it ever end?

  36. This is what you call common core math .....LOL

  37. This is so true.

    When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser --SOCRATES




    For comparison's sake, there are 33,000 people in Salisbury. So our town more than doubled in size for the weekend. Is that what you saw?

  39. I believe the event was a success but the numbers are scud.. No more that 10,000 at best.. Bringing culture to this area is awesome. Now a different headliner, featured foods, good weather and positive thoughts and it will become the success he would like. Turn the negative energy used into a positive and see what you can do to help. POSITIVE CREATES POSITIVE....

  40. and he says he weighs 237 lbs.

  41. The salisbury festival every year beats this folk festival thing to death. I rode through there every day just to see if there were people out there. The only thing I saw was all of the equipment. As far as people go it really just looked like any other day in salisbury. Just a few scattered here or there walking. I definitely didn't see 1,000's. The ones saying 8-10,000 i dont even see how you are getting that number?

    1. How did you get pass the Jersey Barriers when driving through the Festival every day? Did you drive over them in your army tank or get out and move each one?

  42. You guys are pissing on Dan O'Hare's parade!! Day and his city officials and Ms. Caroline came out of this looking ALL kinds of stupid. Now on to his attempt at becoming a delegate. He thinks you need broadband in as all of rural Maryland, a 10,000 acre state park for all his illegal immigrants to play and camp out at. They have the old Robin Hood mentality

    1. Isn’t Caroline the one who lied about working for MTV? Oh yeah like she’ll tell you the truth!

  43. Next year let's get some people down there and video them each day bc Jake Gay is a LIAR.

  44. Live in the neighborhood of the festival and kept checking all 3 days very little people, very few cars and not many being picked up at Civic Center Parking lot, most of the time the parking lot was empty. Estimate 1000. for a total all 3 days. There are a lot of pictures out and about they don't lie.

  45. Jake show us the MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  46. " Anonymous said...

    perdue didnt get as big as they are by telling the truth either

    September 12, 2018 at 11:35 AM"

    My thoughts exactly. It's inherent.

  47. Really? He is trying to claim cell phone data estimated the crowd size? Day is beyond an ignoramus. Whoever sold him those estimates is full of crap and Day is such an ignoramus he fell for it. He really does need to resign. He regularly makes an ass out of himself Any scam anyone has the moron falls for it.

    1. Isn’t this a misuse of police intel equipment? This actually is an invasion of privacy and him admitting this, may just get the city sued. Day is too dumb to be a mayor. What were you thinking, Salisbury? Were you thinking at all?

  48. simple rough math proves that day is full of shit!

    the population of salisbury is about 33,000 people, so jake is claiming that the entire population of salisbury plus an addition 40,000 people came to his gay day festival?

    simple math: he claims that there were an average of over 23,000 people per day at the festival, lets be generous and assume that every vehicle that attended the festival contained at least 4 people, no vehicle had less than 4 people in it. 23,000 divided by 4 = a minimum of 5,750 vehicles everyday. where did all these vehicles part? we can also assume that not every vehicle contained 4 people so obviously the total number of vehicles easily exceeded 6,000 where in salisbury is there room to park an average of 6,000 vehicles per day for 3 days in a row?

    1. There’s not enough room to park that many cars anywhere in Salisbury. Even if you emptied all the car dealerships you still wouldn’t have 6,000 cars. How much more obvious of a lie do you need to understand, you’ve been lied to — big time?

  49. Truly amazing Jake Day thinks he can get away with pitching this camel dung and more startling, he believes you are stupid enough to believe it! You all should be highly disgusted and offended by this obvious lie. Yet you’ll keep letting him run unopposed and should someone run against him, you’ll allow him and his rainbow posse to defame them. Salisbury votes for trash and that’s exactly what you go. Can’t believe you all are surprised. It was a doomed event from the day they signed the papers to host an event when any right thinking person knows Salisbury’s severe limitations to host said event. Wake up, kids. This lie should make him persona non grata. But many of you still kiss his ass and think he’s oh so wonderful. Please. 🙄🙄🙄

  50. Just where did all these people sleep because it wasn’t in area hotels. Their lots were practically empty!

  51. Joe,

    I was told by a vender last night that all of the Tents at the National Folk Festival came all the way from Canada just like the S.S. Hoppes Fireboat.

    No lie Joe. They contracted with a company from Canada.

    Request a PIA and find out how much money was spent and how much was spent out of town. Paying it Forward. Buy Local, my A$$!

  52. Was there ever a time in his history when Jake wasn’t delusional? Seems he’s been more delusional than not. Too bad they closed Cambridge. He would be a perpetual patient if it were still open.

  53. To establish my credentials, I am a Trump-loathing progressive who enjoyed the festival and support it. I voted for Day. Having said that, there is no way in hell that the attendance estimates are remotely accurate. I attended all three days, for large chunks of time, and there definitely weren't an accumulation of tens of thousands of people. I've been to enough ticketed concerts, festivals and major-college football games (all with documented attendance figures) to know what 60-70,000 people looks and feels like. The city cited cell-phone data to back up its claim, but modeling and interpreting such data is difficult without real expertise, and I highly suspect the wifi-pinging coverage area was experiencing major leakage from the surrounding area and unintended devices. Basically, garbage in, garbage out. I don't like to be spun by city officials, especially when it's to cover their asses for such an obvious prevication, and next election I won't be voting for Day. By pushing this bogus attendance figure, he has shown me that he has no integrity. Garbage mayor in, garbage mayor out.

  54. He needs to go!!Get out an vote, so we can get his sorry lying ass out of office. We got enough liars in government positions! Why not give him a polygraph test this week and see if he passes it!!! Please get him out!!!!

  55. Almost every time I saw Day at the festival, he was taking a selfie, including one with the governor. It's embarrassing behavior from an adult. It's time to vote out Mayor Teenage Girl.

  56. Their counts of unique cell phone users probably picked up all of the beach traffic driving by on Route 50!

  57. Anonymous said...
    Was there ever a time in his history when Jake wasn’t delusional? Seems he’s been more delusional than not. Too bad they closed Cambridge. He would be a perpetual patient if it were still open.

    September 16, 2018 at 8:31 AM

    Cambridge is still open, I drive through it all the time on my way to Baltimore. Lot of traffic on Rt. 50 in Cambridge as well. Where have you beenn?


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